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The sounds of birds tweeting and flapping their wings, flying to freedom. away from the wicked town better known as 'Longstone Town' The town that unfortunately a certain Tangerine was fated to live in for now.. The sounds of the birds woke up a certain Tangerine. Better known as.. Hinata Shoyo.

He fluttered his eyes open, he was curled up in a ball on his bed under his blankets, enjoying the warmth they provided for him.

He sat up and stretched with a yawn, He moved over in his bed so he was sitting on the edge, He rubbed his eyes and got up, Leaving the warmth of his bed He walked over to his window and opened it, The sounds of birds and or crickets could be heard, The air was cold yet the sun always made it feel warmer. This is what a nice day is to Hinata Shoyo. He rested his chin on his hand as he watched the nature from his house. it was beautiful outside, the month was November, the weather was getting colder, the birds would soon leave..

Hinata was enjoying the weather when he heard the all to familiar sounds of his little sister running to his room happily, Hinata smiled softly as he heard his bedroom door open and his little sister, Natsu giggling as she ran up to Hinata, Hinata turned around and looked down at his little sister, "Good morning Aniki!" Natsu said as she hugged his legs happily.

Hinata giggled as he looked down at her and softly picked her up by her waist, he brought her up so she was sitting on his hip, He hugged her and smiled as he looked down at her, she was happily hugging him back, "Good morning little Natsu.. How did you sleep?" Hinata asked as he looked down at her whilst smiling sweetly. his smile never failed to light up a persons mood, or a room..

"I slept really good Aniki!" She replied while smiling widely, He pecked her forehead lovingly, "Good! No nightmares?" He asked while tilting his head softly, She shook her head. "Nope! No monsters!" She answered smiling, He giggled and ruffled her orange hair. "That's good! Is Mama up?"

Natsu nodded while smiling, "Mhm! Mama is making food!" Natsu said happily, He smiled and began walking to his door, "Let's get you something to eat, Your a growing girl who needs food!" Hinata said smiling. Natsu smiled brightly. "mhm! I'll grow up to be a big and strong girl like mama!" Natsu said giggling.

Hinata smiled softly and nodded, "That you will.." Hinata said smiling as he walked down the stairs of their house to the kitchen whilst holding Natsu who was happily sitting on his hip and playing with his fingers as the two walked to the kitchen. 




The two walked into the kitchen to see their mother cooking them food. Hinata smiled sweetly and placed Natsu onto her feet so she could walk, Natsu ran up to their mother happily giggling. "mama! good morning!" Natsu said as she hugged her mothers legs. Their mother smiled sweetly and picked Natsu up, "Good morning my little Angel" She said as she kissed Natsu's forehead and cheeks which never failed to make Natsu smile and giggle contently.

Hinata smiled and walked up to his mother, "Good morning Mother" He said looking up at her and smiling softly, No matter the size of his smile, whether big or small.. it was a smile that was like a sun.. His mother looked at him and smiled, she ruffled his hair, "Good morning my little Sunshine" She said smiling softly as she pecked his head, Hinata smiled small and walked to the cabinet where he grabbed a glass and walked to the sink.

"Oh! Hinata? Could you go to the towns market today? I need some ingredients for our dinners this week!" His mother said as she plated their food whilst smiling, He gulped his water and felt the cold water rush down to his empty stomach making him a little chilly, "Of course! I'll go with Yachi and or Kiyoko" He said smiling. She smiled and nodded as she walked to the table and set Natsu on her seat with a plate of food.

"Sounds good! Just make sure to eat something first!" She said happily, He smiled sweetly and nodded as he made his way to the table and sat down in front of his plate of food, They all clasped their hands together and said:  "itadakimasu!" in unison and began eating, Talking about anything they could think of.. 




Hinata opened his front door after finishing his breakfast and of course changing and saying goodbye to his mother and little sister, He began his walk to Yachi's house, He knew Kiyoko always stayed over at her house for alone time with her.

The walk was lovely for Hinata, The cold breeze making his short fluffy orange hair dance from it, The orange leaves on the tree's falling down onto the streets or the roofs of the towns peoples houses, Every time he walked over a leaf it would make a 'Crunch!' sound. Today was truly beautiful in his eyes, As he walked down the streets reaching a more empty part of the town, he was smiling sweetly as he walked when he heard the sound of a owls hoot. He tilted his head and looked up.

He saw a owl resting on a branch from above him, it was looking at him and tilted it's head, Owl's never meant 'good' things, or so the townspeople would say, Hinata though found them rather beautiful and creatures that didn't deserve the slander that the townspeople would give it. He smiled at the owl before continuing his walk to Yachi's house..

How odd  to see a owl in that part of the town...




{A/N: Hello lovelies!~ Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for it being so short lol, and i formally would like to apologize for any mistakes i haven't seen nor fixed lol, Hopefully regardless of my mistakes you enjoyed this chapter! Enjoy your day or night love~}

Amount of words used in this chapter: 1044




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