o〃Romantic Violence.〃o

783 20 36

TW: slight Gore




You see... Demon's aren't supposed to love for many valid reasons, their demons, evil. murderous. unloving. and.. Well.. once you become Intimate with one.. You can't leave them. ever again.. It's a weird anomaly.. but then again, it's not like a human would ever be with a demon, Right?..

And when a demon feels this new feeling of love.. it's hard to control certain tendencies that come with it, Lewd ones. And violent ones... And for Daichi, in his hundred's of years of living as a demon, he never felt this thing human's have named, 'Love'

What is love really? a fake sense of safety? or a real sense. A need to protect and love? or a need to fulfill your desires?  How does one know when this 'love' is true or when it is false? 

I would say the desire of hurting this blond haired man for hurting the orange haired male that Daichi is currently feeling is a rather valid feeling, but you see.. Demons always take these desires and feelings too far. Leading in severe violence and gruesome sights to see.

Daichi roughly gripped the man's arm as he dragged him away from Sugawara and the orange haired male, his grip was so tight it felt as if the flesh he was holding onto could bruise or possibly cause damage to the bones underneath it.

The man groaned and tried to rip his arm free, "Agh! Let go, Jackass!" The man hollered, His pathetic attempts only brought pain back tenfold as Daichi's grip never loosened but instead tightened, feeling as if any moment the man's bone in his arm could just.. Snap like it was nothing, nothing but a speck of waste in this world.

"Why should i?" Daichi asked as his free hand gripped the man's chin making him look up at Daichi, Daichi's eyes showed no sign of stopping, no fear of consequences. just coldness and dedication. The man's eyes slightly widened and narrowed.  

It was clear Daichi was someone you shouldn't become enemies with, yet this man just did.. Without even realizing his mistake. "Why? Oh i don't know! Probably because i haven't done anything wrong!" The man said as he rolled his eyes.

His tone filled with arrogance and annoyance, This man was making Daichi's eye twitch in rage, "Nothing wrong..? Nothing.... Wrong?" Daichi repeated, his tone filled with rage and cold bloodedness.

The man could feel something in his gut screaming, screaming at him to leave as quick as possible, but fate would cloud his mind and keep him here, His arrogance would never let him leave, "Yeah? Are you deaf or something, I haven't done anything wron-" The man couldn't finish his sentence as he felt his arm.. the bone.. just.. Snap.

A loud.. gut wrenching 'Snap!' was heard from the man's arm, A sadistic and cruel smirk tugging on the corner of Daichi's lips as realization hit the man like a wrecking ball. the man's eyes widened in horror as his jaw dropped and before he knew it, a severe pain shot through his body coming from his arms, He yelled out in pain and groaned as he held his arm, trying to rip Daichi's hand off of it, "A-agh! L-let go!" The man yelled in horror as Daichi's grip tightened, the bone obviously broken and poking out at his flesh..

Daichi moved his other hand from the man's chin and roughly gripped the man's hair, blood splatting out of the mans scalp from the tight grip and rough pull. "I'll ask once, and one time only, What. Did. You. Do?" Daichi asked the man, his eyes cold, showing no remorse.. No kind soul, no sign of stopping... Only the true demon he was, the true demon he is was shown through his eyes.

"I Didn't do anything you mother fucker!" The man yelled through gritted teeth, his pain seeping through his voice as he winced from the tight grip. 


Was the next word uttered out of Daichi's mouth, his tone filled with Malice and coldness as he let go of the mans arm, Maybe... was the man free? oh! Maybe just maybe he could run- No..

Suddenly before the man could do anything, Daichi's foot slammed against the mans shin with strength and no mercy, A blood curdling 'Snap!' was heard once more, The man groaned and yelled in pain, as his undamaged hand attached to his undamaged arm gripped his leg. 

"Y-you mother fucker! H-how dare you!" The man yelled through his pain and suffering, "I'm feeling generous.. One more time.. What. Did. You. Do?" Daichi asked one more time. one final time... A sign of what would come after it..

The man looked up at him and glared, through his pain and gritted teeth he spat and spoke. "Nothing."  the man said as he spat on the ground beside him. Daichi smirked, he leaned down towards the man and spoke these final words. the word that brought nothing but darkness. a sign this man would no longer breath again.. 


Were the last words the man heard before the sound of Daichi's kind humming, before his vision flooded with darkness and his throat filled with a scream, his lungs filled with blood, no matter how hard he tried to scream, nothing but his own blood came up.

No matter how he tried to fight against the darkness, it consumed him.




{A/N: hello my little beautiful and big beautiful birdies! So sorry for the late update! Hopefully you all enjoyed this and so sorry for any mistakes i missed! And.. happy new years! May this year be better than 2023,  What's your new years resolution(s)?}

Words put into this chapter: 965




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