❣✣Sweet Angel✣❣

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𝒮𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁

Sweet Angel was a lullaby Hinata remembered his mother singing to him every night as a child, Especially the nights when fear kept his innocent soul awake for hours and hours.

It was something that played a huge part in Hinata's childhood, and when Natsu was born, he did what his mother did.

He often hummed the lullaby to her as he feared his voice wasn't good enough to sing with, a huge fear of his was that his voice was too ugly and would scare baby Natsu.

He remembered his mother used to call him 'Sweet Angel' but he never quite knew why, he just assumed he was another child in this reckless town, but a truly innocent person, shall never know just how innocent they are.

Due to hearing this lullaby to often in his life, he often caught himself accidently humming to the tune of it while he did certain things around the house or outside. Especially whenever he picked berries or fruits for his mother.

even today he caught himself incoherently mumbling the song while he looked for his kimono around the house.

He was searching everywhere he possibly could think of, where the hell was this? it couldn't have just grown legs and ran away. So what happened to it?

With a sigh Hinata looked under the table,  searching for his lost Kimono. with a small pout he slowly got up and to his shame, the kimono was definitely not under there, so where else could it be? he checked the living room. he checked the kitchen. the dining room now. 

Hinata was so close to just breaking down at this point, he was so stressed about this, his mind was filling with thoughts about how his friends would react when he lost the gift so early on.

Just those thought's, and those thought's alone. Were almost enough to make him want to give up looking and just beg for forgiveness like he was some sort of a sinner who went against their religion 

Soon enough, his mother descended down the stairs and looked over to her son, with a small sigh she walked up to him. wondering what could be wrong this time.

"What's wrong this time?" She quietly asked, making sure to remain as quiet as she could so she wouldn't wake the youngest member of their family. "I-i can't find the kimono.." Hinata sniffled. 

His mother smiled slightly and put her hands on her son's shoulder's. she swore, Hinata was just as innocent as a small child, which is good and bad, it meant he was naive. And easy to manipulate. But it meant his soul was also pure. And that was something Mrs. Hinata viewed as a blessing for him, something he shall understand in the future.

"It's okay, just calm down and breath. You won't find anything with how your currently acting. Just breath.." She softly said and smiled down at her son.

Hinata nodded small. "Okay.." He mumbled, taking a small breath, his mother focusing on him inhaling and exhaling the sweet breath, his lungs filling and emptying with his breaths.

"Better?" She softly asked, gently caressing her son's cheek. "M-mhm.." Hinata mumbled, giving his mother a small nod and looking up at her. "How about you take a break, Okay?" His mother suggested with a warm smile. 

"A break?" Hinata curiously asked. "Mhm, Go take a walk and just.. breath. Your getting stressed out, and remember, just breath. You can go walk to the town's pond." She smiled. "No one should be there at this time of the morning." She added and gently ruffled her sons hair, removing her hand from his cheek, gently. 

She truly believed her son could ever be alone again. She truly believed everything would be good again like it was before. She was truly naive enough and idiotic enough to even have the sheer idea that her son could ever be normal, since birth. he was born different, he was born as a pure. She knew from the start his life would be different. But for now, she has no clue to just what extent on how different he will be. She will never truly know.

"Okay.. You sure i can go!" Hinata asked, a small glimmer filling his hazel brown eyes. "Mhm! Just stay safe and stick to the trails." His mother said with a smile. "And make sure you get changed first." She added with a soft laugh. 

"Okay! Love you mom!" Hinata happily said, giving his mother a quick hug before going to run to the stairs. His mother smiled. "Make sure to be quiet." His mother softly reminded him. "Oh-" Hinata had a second of realization and smiled, nodding to his mother. "Will do, mom" he said in a more quiet tone, which was hard for the never quieting sun better known as Hinata shoyo.

Soon enough he made it to his room and slowly reached out of his mothers view. his mother smiled and softly sat down at the table, putting her chin in her hand.

She looked down at the small flowers in a vase located on the middle of their table, her face slowly turned into a serious expression, who was in her sons room? why is his kimono missing, now? What could possibly be going on?

but what if this mother doesn't even realize her grave mistake? her mistake of allowing her son to leave this house during this, not only leave the house, but leave alone. The time he's most vulnerable, what if she doesn't even realize what will happen eventually?

What if this mother can't protect her son like she wishes to? What if she can't keep everything safe for him? What if the sins of these creatures take her son before she realizes it?

Only time will tell for now, maybe she'll figure things out, maybe she won't. but for now, all she can do is protect her sweet angel's the best she can and hope she can figure everything out eventually.




{A/N: Hello loves!~ Hopefully you enjoyed this rather short chapter, sorry for any mistakes and sorry for this chapter being kind of boring, it's kind of just here to set the scene for later chapters, lmao. ALSO- THE PICTURE I WAS ORIGINALLY GOING TO USE FOR THIS CHAPTER IS COPY RIGHTED- NOO :( but hopefully you enjoyed! Mwah! <3}

Words used in this chapter: 1081




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