౨The Pleasure Of Fearৎ

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That fair smooth hand of the young ginger gripped onto his shoulder as he let out a small whimper. The pain was far more lingering than some would assume.

It felt as it he had been burned yet, nothing showed on his skin. There was no evidence such a thing could ever happen or ever did happen.

Thus he would have to be naive to such a thing against his own free will, to continue living a life he hopes would never change, yet time will always decompose the happy and bring forth the angry and envious.

Time ruins all, as everything around it inevitably crumbles it still stands before the ruins of what it used to hold in it's hands of life, staring upon the mess it knew would happen from the beginning.

Looking to the side at his shoulder once last time, Hinata made sure no marks were there for the last time before he slowly stood up.

The warm bathwater trickled down his body and ran down his legs. The noise of faint drips of water filled the otherwise silent bathroom.

The only noises being the water trickling, and the labored breaths of fear from Hinata as he held his hands close to his chest. 

Staring at the faint single scratch at his torso that ran across a small portion of his smooth skin he frowned ever so slightly before bringing his eyes else well.

He slowly looked around the bathroom before he grabbed his towel and began drying himself off as he ran the towel around his body.

"I feel I'm seeing things.." Hinata muttered to himself as he placed the towel on the shelf, grabbing his clothes his body was no more exposed and covered by the warmth of the clothing his mother managed to find.

He walked up to the mirror in the bathroom slowly and sighed softly, his sweet brown eyes focused on the sink below, his hands rested on either side of it but the second his eyes slowly glanced up.

In his heart, his mind, his soul. He swore to himself he saw something in the corner of the bathroom, a faint movement. A faint promise something was there.

Upon seeing it, Hinata froze and quickly snapped his head back, turning around as quick as he could only to be met with nothing, nothing at all.

"Gosh.. Am I just paranoid now?" Hinata whispered to himself as he rested his head in his hands for a moment until he came up with a proper excuse. "It might just be because I'm tired.." He mumbled and raised his head once more.

He knew deep down, it must just be from a lack of proper slumber. Nothing more, right?

Thus everything was just in his head! Right?

Thus he quickly turned around and left his washroom, opening the door he discarded such paranoid thoughts.

Walking into his room he softly crouched down and slid on his old shoes, his shoes had been old and half ruined for years now, would he ever bring this issue up to anyone like his mother? No, why would he?

Shoes can be rather expensive in a town like Longstone, a town of greedy people fueled by past mistakes they never put to rest in internal peace.

Standing back up, Hinata dusted himself off and slowly exited his room. Shutting his door he walked around the hallway of his house before walking down the stairs softly.

The wood faintly creaked under his weight as he walked down, the sun shone through the window in the living room and into the dining room where his young sister, Natsu happily sat and ate an apple as her brown eyes were solely focused on the book she had beside her.

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