●'Can I Go To The Festival?'●

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Hinata was currently walking back to his house, He was holding a basket full of many kinds of berries that happened to grow in the cold winters of Longstone town. The townspeople were putting up decorations for the upcoming winter festival.

A festival Hinata Shoyo so badly wanted to go to.. Maybe he could convince his mother to allow him to go, Hopefully Yachi and Kiyoko could come if he went! Oh how lovely that would be..

The basket handle fit perfectly in the crook of his elbow, he walked down the streets of Longstone, People walking past him carrying items or packages. Hinata smiled sweetly at the people walking past him, some would smile back, give a slight wave, a nod. or just simply ignore him..

He soon reached his house, He happily walked up to the door and opened it, the sweet sweet smell of his mother baking, filled the house. "I'm home!" Hinata called out as he slid his shoes off by the door and closed the door behind him as he walked in.

"Onii-chan!!" He heard his little sister, Natsu. exclaim happily, followed by approaching footsteps. He smiled as he looked at the stairs and saw Natsu running down them. "O-oh! Be careful now, Natsu!" He said smiling worryingly, Obviously not wanting his little sister to trip.

"hehe! I'm being careful Onii-chan!" Natsu happily said in response as she finished getting down the stairs and ran to Hinata, Hugging his legs and nuzzling her face against his legs. Hinata let out a giggle and picked her up carefully. "Hello little Natsu! How is everything here?" Hinata asked with a sweet smile as he walked to the table and set the basket down on it, securing it to make sure gravity wouldn't somehow mess his day up by bringing his berries down.

"Oh it's really good! Mama is baking! her food looks so good.. but she told me to wait for you to come back before i could eat anything!" Natsu said with a pout on her adorable face. Hinata let out a sweet laugh and set Natsu down on the chair comfortably, Natsu kept her pout.

"I'll go say hi to mom.. Stay put, mkay?" Hinata said smiling, Natsu dropped the pout and smiled small with a nod, He smiled happily and walked into the kitchen.

He found his mother baking sweet foods, cupcakes to be exact, she was frosting the cupcakes, her signature homemade frosting was the best in Hinata's opinion!

"hello Mom!" Hinata said sweetly, His mother looked up from frosting the cupcakes and smiled softly, she set the piping bag down on the counter top and walked over to her son with open arms, "Hello Hinata! How was your little berry trip?" His mother asked smiling sweetly now, as she hugged Hinata warmly.

He happily hugged her back with a smile, the Hinata family were like sunshine's, Or at least that's what Yachi says, Their always smiling and happy. and taking care of each other. "It was really good! i found a lot of them! And plus the winter festival is coming up.. meaning everyone is putting up these absolutely beautiful decorations!" Hinata exclaimed, his voice full of excitement. his mother smiled small and slightly tilted her head.

"Gosh, The winter festival is already rolling around hm?" She said softly as she smiled, "Can't believe i forgot haha!" She said smiling, Hinata smiled brightly. "It's fine! But since we're already talking about this festival.. It brings me to a certain question i wanted to ask yo-" Before Hinata could finish his words and question about going to the festival this year, his mother cut him off.

"You want to go to the festival don't you?" She asked smiling softly as she picked up the piping bag again and went back to frosting the beautiful looking cupcakes. Hinata smiled and scratched the nape of his neck. "H-how'd you know?" Hinata asked sighing. "nothing to be embarrassed about! Honey, you're my son! i've known you, for your entire life. i know when you want something haha"

She said happily as she did a swirl with the frosting on one of the cupcakes. "W-well.. In that case.. my question still stands mom! Can i please oh please go to the festival? If i go, I'm sure Yachi and Kiyoko will go as well!" Hinata said smiling innocently, his eyes filed with hope. his mother sighed and thought about it..

"Fine.. You can go! Just when is it again?" His mother asked softly as she frosted a few cupcakes with the remaining frosting, Hinata tilted his head as he tried to remember.

"I think like three or four days? I'm not sure.." Hinata's voice trailed off as he tried to remember when the festival was starting.

"That sounds about right!" Hinata's mother said smiling and finishing frosting the cupcakes, she grabbed the bowl used to make the frosting in and walked to the sink before she began washing it throughly.

"Thank you so much mom! I promise when the festival goes on I'll be good!" Hinata said sweetly, his mother smiled fondly. "I know you will, I just worry as a mother, when one of my children go to places like those.." she said smiling softly.

Hinata smiled softly but worry obvious in his eyes, his pure soul couldn't see how going to a festival could be dangerous..

Soon they heard Natsu talk.. "can I go to the festival mama!" Natsu asked as she quickly walked into the kitchen.

Their mother sighed and grabbed a cupcake handing it to Natsu softly and carefully. "Not this year honey.. when your older, of course you can.. Mkay?" Their mother said smiling softly, hoping Natsu wouldn't be to upset..

She slightly looked down, but cheered up quickly again when she was handed the cup cake, it was quite fascinating how you could easily cheer her up.

"Okay mama!" Natsu said happily as she walked to the table and climbed up in the chai, taking a bite of the cupcake happily, Hinata smiled and walked up to her ruffling her short hair slightly.

She looked up at her older brother with a bright smile, setting the cupcake on the table and lifting her arms as a sign she wanted to be picked up.

Hinata sweetly giggled and picked her up in his arms and sat down on the table with her in his arms, she happily reached out and grabbed the cupcake, she ate it while Hinata talked about many things with her..

Their mother watched this scene with a smile on her face.. it was a lovely sight to see...



Words used in this chapter: 1164

{A/N: hello darlings!~ hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any mistakes! I wrote this chapter on my phone, I normally write on my laptop so this is quite different lol! Regardless I hoped you enjoyed lovely!}




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