♡My Paranoid Soul♡

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Finding himself pondering on what to do with his new nights full of fear and the dreading guilt of something he couldn't even explain,

Hinata found himself grabbing the kimono and walking out of his house. Through the town where he felt as if no where was safe, past the creeks and down the trails to Kiyoko's house.

He felt so.. Scared, in ways he never felt before, this wasn't the type of fear his mother used to hum away and cuddle him until it passed, this was gut-wrenching fear that not even humming that lullaby could soothe.

He clutched onto the fabric tight, his fair hands trembled as he walked along the trails. Was this what paranoia felt like? He'd always heard of it.. But never experienced it.

Is it supposed to feel like this? like you can't breath, like your lungs are closing in on you. Your throat tightening and your lips dry? that unmistakable gut churning fear, your feet burning from walking so much and your eyes watering from being open so long, because you fear that the second you blink, whatever you fear, will be in front of you when your eyes open.

He felt so.. Pathetic, he shouldn't worry. There's nothing to worry about, after all he just made new friends, what's so wrong with them? Why is this fear only now appearing, he had so many questions.. So many things that would never be answered.. 

But he was okay with that, after all.. He was almost one hundred percent sure his new friends had nothing to do with his paranoia, maybe they were even helping remove said fear. Maybe he should put more faith in them, or maybe fear them?

He felt conflicted, fate has a way of conflicting you. For as his heart won't realize the lingering fear and pain until it's presented in front of him, for as those dreams were supposed to help him realize, only for him to shut down that realization in his heart for those monsters.

He was Naive, but for how much longer?

His fair knuckles softly hit against the hard wood of the door, silence filled his senses as he waited along the outside, the door slowly creaked open to show Kiyoko's mother.

"Oh, hello Shoyo. What brings you here today?" She asked with a kind smile, her dark eyes were focused upon his face, honestly it'd been so long since Hinata talked to Kiyoko's mother to the point he forgot what her eyes looked like, until today that is.

She was a woman in her late thirties with long dark hair similar to Kiyoko's hair, she had a much more lively personality and a kind smile usually on her face, she had fair skin and she didn't wear glasses like Kiyoko did, Hinata believed Kiyoko got her personality and eyesight from her father who he rarely ever saw.

"Hello Ms. Kiyoko.. Is Shimizu here today?" Hinata asked with a small smile, holding his Kimono against his body, he rarely ever called Kiyoko 'Shimizu'. Only when speaking to her mother.

She smiled down at him and moved to the side to create room for him to enter with, "Why yes she is, she's up in her room studying. Are you here to see her?" She questioned him.

He slowly stepped inside, out of the sunlight and into the warm shade of the house. "Yes Ma'am. I'm here to give her this kimono back." Hinata smiled happily, gesturing to the kimono in his arms.

"How nice of you. I'm sure she'll be happy to have it back." She replied with a smile as she rested her chin in her palm.

"I hope. Thank you for telling me where she is." Hinata responded to her, smiling happily and walking over to the tall steps in the house that led up to Kiyoko's loft like room.

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