→Maybe Too Slow~?←

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Ah! Sometimes being too slow can take away something you wouldn't even know you would need until, well.. it's too late, And of course, Everyone experiences this. Only some realize it.

Maybe there's ways to tell early on, that the person standing before you is so much more than you could see from one glance, that the human standing before Sugawara isn't as he seems, he isn't a devilish human, but a pure soul.

A Pure soul he and his would one day get their grasps onto, but patience is important, just as in the beginning of everything Sugawara doesn't see much in Hinata Shoyo except for a pretty face and pretty body. but the question is.. Will Hinata prove he's more than meets the eye or not?

"Thank you Again Sugawara.. and i must get going.. but.. please tell your friend, Daichi. that i am also grateful for his quick thinking!" Hinata said with a soft, sweet smile as he bowed to show his gratitude, the wind swaying his hair and Kimono.

Sugawara looked down at him, his eyes glinting with amusement yet happiness, he smiled and waved his right hand slightly. "No need to bow to me hu- Hinata." Sugawara said with a smile, catching himself before he could accidently call Hinata 'Human'

Hinata stood up and continued to smile. "But of course" Sugawara added. "Is there anyway i can repay you?" Hinata asked, his tone was sweet and happy. Sugawara smirked, his eyes glinting with malice before he shook that away and smiled sweetly. he mustn't think that just yet.. sometimes his demon tendencies could flare up without him doing much to be able to stop it.

"Not really, the only way you could is if you tell me why exactly your in this part of the festival, i don't believe the man dragged you here. or did he?" Sugawara asked as he trailed his fingers through his own grey hair. 

Hinata smiled and shook his head, he was trying to forget about the man, and what Sugawara's friend, Daichi, was doing with him, hoping for Daichi to return to Sugawara without a scratch, Hinata was unaware it would be the other way around for the man and Daichi.

"No, I had lost my two friends, Yachi and Kiyoko in the crowd, and i was looking for them and i had gotten lost in this part of the festival" Hinata said with a smile. 

Sugawara's eyebrows raised in amusement rather than surprise, "Oh?" Sugawara said, "Maybe you should check the food booths, that's always a good start." Sugawara suggested. but the edge in his voice made it seem like he knew where the two girls were.

"Good thinking! Thank you again Sugawara!" Hinata said with a smile, he was happy to make a new friend who seemed to not be as idiotic as the townspeople, he was unaware the mysteriously kind man standing before him was a malicious monster, a monster feared. a demon.

"Why, But of course Hinata.. Now you be safe and Enjoy the festival, it would be a shame for something to happen to you on this night.." Sugawara said as he towered over the smaller male, Hinata smiled and looked up at him.

"You too! Hopefully i can see you again soon!" Hinata said with a smile as he turned around, he began walking away from the demon with a smile. his kimono swaying in the wind as he put his hand near his face to keep his hair out of his eyes as he walked.

Sugawara watched him walk away, as if on cue he could hear Daichi's footsteps echoing, his sweet smile morphed into a smirk as he watched the smaller male walk away, his hand going under his own chin as he watched. "What a shame it would truly be for his pretty little body to be ruined.." Sugawara whispered under his breathe.

I guess since Hinata was also naive to know Sugawara was a demon, he must be also innocent to the knowledge that when you tell a demon your full name, and it comes from your own lips. they have the power over you to find track you down.

Sugawara was as naive to Hinata's innocence as Hinata was naive to the fact he not only talked to a demon, was saved by a demon and gave power to a demon on this night. all within a few moments that felt like hours.

that sense of power was currently rushing through Sugawara's Mischievous blood as he watched.. he would defiantly find a new prey, but not a prey to hurt.. but a prey to enjoy. Maybe share with his friends if he could put aside his desires.




{A/N: Hello lovelies!~ Bestie don't look at me like that- i know i know.. it took me awhile to post another chapter- but.. here i am, and uhm... maybe this chapter was enough for you to forgive me? Teehee- Anygay! Hopefully you enjoyed this Totallllyyyyy verrry longg chapter (Sarcasm) despite it's mistakes i missed, love ya darling!}

Words in this single chapter:  989




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