𖥔The Dream Of The Tortured.𖥔

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I couldn't hear anything, my heart pounding against my ribs were the only things i could heart.

My chest heaved the every breath i took hurt more than the last, what was happening? My feet hurt, they hurt so much.

I kept walking, maybe my mother was around? or maybe Natsu, i hope they are okay.. But everywhere i walked, the scenery stayed the same.

The halls felt as if they went on for miles, how long had i been walking? My legs felt so sore, but i felt so scared for some reason.

Every mirror in the halls were broken and shattered, i had to be careful to avoid any shards of glass.

But it felt as if nothing i did was helping me to avoid it, i could still feel the burning sensations of cuts against my heels that made me wince every step i took.

My shoulder ached and burned, my torso felt so cold. What was happening..? Why did this feel so real yet so far from being real at the same time.

Yet, my eyes filled with hope when i turned the corner and found a door, this was my first door that i found! 

A smile spread across my lips and i rushed forward, reaching my hand forward i grabbed ahold of the brass doorknob, but let out a yelp when the brass burned my palm.

I pulled my hand back as quick as i could, "What the heck..?" I muttered as i looked around, holding my hand close to my chest as i rubbed it to soothe the burning pain.

the halls were empty except for the broken mirrors, and it wasn't warm anywhere but this doorknob, in fact it was rather cold. Almost cold enough to where you could see your breath puff into the air.

As i rubbed my hand, i froze when i heard a woman's voice behind me. "Wake up." the woman's voice demanded to me as if i owed her something. Her voice was so soft, yet sounded so scary and tired.

I quickly spun around only to be met with nothing, as my eyes looked around warily. My eyes fell upon the bloody and dirty set of foot prints in front of me.

My eyes widened and my heart dropped into my stomach, without a second thought i turned to the door and grabbed the doorknob to open it. I wanted to cry in pain from the burning sensations in my hand.

but i was too scared to stay in this hallway, especially with those footprints. and that faint sound of those cracking and crunching noises, i didn't plan on staying here to figure out what was going on, i just hoped no one was hurt..

As i opened the door i shut it behind me the second i walked through it, i pulled my hand off it quickly and hoped the cold air could soothe it as i looked around.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness of wherever i was, it was dark and seemed to be some form of a room.

White curtains draped over the windows in the room, an elegant dark wooden wardrobe was in the corner with silver details in it.

I took a shaky step forward and looked amongst my surroundings, the floor boards groaned under the weight as if they hadn't been stepped over in years. Maybe decades.

There was several bookshelves in similar colors to the wardrobe, they were against the walls and filled head to toe in books, yet the wood was clearly rotting slowly. 

A broken oil lamp was on a nightstand next to a vase of flowers, i couldn't tell what type of flowers because they were so decomposed and rotted, the water in the vase—or what remained of the water was molded and smelled awful.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 |𝐇.𝐇 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐔|Where stories live. Discover now