( ◍•'Where were you?!'•◍ )

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Innocence is something that not many have, but the few that have it, should be careful, as this innocence could be ripped from ones heart and turned into malicious intentions and a cruel core. their joy and happiness being also ripped away in the process. but the one who's innocence remains shall be the one to find true happiness and joy.

As the innocence radiated off of Hinata as he walked down the festival, the innocence being something only those with a certain sight and immortal age being able to see. as he was looking for Yachi and Kiyoko, trying to find the two young women he was close with.

the snow grazing against his fluffy hair that slightly swayed as he walked around, his eyes glancing around for them as his hands were clasped by his chest as he looked around, his head tilting to different sides as he scanned the location. 

his mind was somewhere else. his heart wanted to scream, to warn him of the danger of the men and secret demons he met earlier, but most importantly.. the fact he had given the one named Sugawara, power to find him when he pleased, and his innocence blinded his exquisite eyes from the danger that was laid with those men.

how there were more than just two secret demons that would soon find love in the small arms of Hinata Shoyo. 

As his feet guided him through the festival, bringing him back into the crowds, the sweet smell of the food booths returning to his nose and the loud chatter being brought fourth back to his ears as he walked, his feet making small footprints in the landing snow, his feet a mere speck before being covered by other's footprints on the snow.

as he walked he heard a loud shout of a sweet calm voice. "Hinata!" the voice called out, Hinata's head snapped up and he tried to pin point the source, "Hinata over here!!" Another voice called out, he had to process for a minute before he recognized the voices to be the ones of his two friends, Yachi and Kiyoko. 

he quickly looked around until he spotted Kiyoko, holding onto her girlfriends arm as they both quickly walked up to him at a fast pace, Kiyoko slightly pushing people out of the way, once a clear path was made Yachi quickly ran up to Hinata and hugged him tightly. "O-oh-" Hinata's eyes slightly widened and a curious smile tugged on his lips.

"Dear lord, You scared of Hinata." Kiyoko calmly said as she looked at Hinata and sighed. "Y-you really did! Where were you!?" Yachi chimed in, her voice laced with worry and overthinking produced thoughts and edges. a common trait of the anxious female.

"Sorry.." Hinata mumbled as he looked at the two, his voice betraying how he felt guilty. Yachi's arms removed themselves from Hinata, she stepped back and stood by her girlfriend.

"No need to apologize, we were just worried, this festival isn't a safe place.. Are you okay?" Kiyoko calmly asked as he adjusted her silver glasses, Hinata placed his hands in his lap, his expression forming into a sweet smile. "Mhm! i had accidently gotten lost.. and-" Hinata stopped himself for a second, should he really explain how a man had some unknown desire for him that hinata was unaware of what it was exactly? should he explain everything? probably not..

"And?" Yachi tilted her head slightly, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed from her previous expression, "Oh!.. And these two guys helped me." Hinata replied with a smile, his mind chose to brush over every little detail, even if this 'lie' would surely make Hinata feel extremely guilty for the next few days.. but he didn't want to risk his friends being worried over something he wasn't fully aware of what it was.

"Oh.. did you catch their names by chance?" Kiyoko softly asked, Yachi's once worried expression morphed into one of happiness and excitement. "Oh oh! Do they live here?" She excitedly chimed in once again, "dont overwhelm him, love." Kiyoko softly said to Yachi, Making the blonde's cheeks flush with embarrassment, "o-oh! Gomen Hinata!" Yachi quickly said.

which thankfully earned her a giggle from him, instead of annoyance. "No need to apologize, but i remember one said their names were.. Sugawara and Daichi!" Hinata said happily. "Sugawara.. Daichi? Hm.. such unique names for this part of town." Kiyoko noted out loud. "Well i think their 'unique' names match them! Their names sound nice, and so were they!" Hinata sweetly spoke, unaware those men weren't what they displayed themselves to be in front of him.

"Of course you would say that, You always somehow manage to think the best!" Yachi said, trying to match his optimistic nature, even if her over thinking produced many problems sometimes.

"I guess so..?" Hinata sweetly giggled. his smile was something like medicine to the sick, it always seemed to 'fix' things, it was always hard to explain what sweet effects he had on people who were even repulsed by the mere thought of someone like Hinata.

"Now.. Hinata, please be more careful.. we should've been paying more attention to our surroundings and checking on you more.. I think we both would like to say, we're sorry.." Kiyoko said as she looked down at Hinata, apologizing wasn't something Kiyoko did much, only because she didn't often mess up.. 

Yachi nodded in agreement, hanging her head low in a form of apology, "is there anyway we can ever make it up to you?" Yachi asked quietly.  "O-oh.. Well it's not like it was your fault! but.. i do have one way you can make it up to me!" Hinata said as he couldn't hold back a excited smile.

Kiyoko's eyebrows raised slightly as she cocked her head to the side. "Well.. we will try to live up to what you wish.. " She calmly said as she thought of what it could be, "What might it be Hinata?" Yachi added as she smiled. 

Hinata's request wasn't something that was really, necessarily unexpected, it defiantly brought a smile to both of the girls faces, as he spoke his request with a nervous smile.

 "Well... Would it be too much to ask you two to.. buy me some meat buns?" 




{A/N: Hello darlings! I hope this filler chapter was okay enough to satisfy all of you lovely people, i apologize for any mistakes! I promise more harem action is coming, but i want this book to be long enough and stuff, so im trying to take my time- That sounds so selfish LOL. Anygay! Love ya!}

|Special Authors Note:|
❁Hey! So i just wanted to thank you all for 2.7k reads on this book! I am truly buzzing with joy and anticipation, this book makes me happy and it makes me even more happy to see you all enjoying something i made from my imagination! Thank you all for everything! I plan on this book being something to keep you on the edge of your seat! please enjoy this book and it's hopefully fruitful future! -- Sincerely Crushed_Hope

Words used in this chapter: 1205




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