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As the man was punched in the jaw, knocking him down to the ground, his jaw causing obvious pain, Hinata's eyes widened, his head snapped up to quickly try and see who saved him, He looked up to see two males..

Both tall, fairly large and fit, the first one who punched the man had short brown hair and dark brown colored eyes, his knuckles were either white from pressure or the cold. Hinata preferred the reason being the cold..

the second had short grey hair, these sweet yet protective dark brown eyes/grey ish eyes. they both wore formal attire and both stood with something that made the air seem thick, thick enough to cut with a knife.

Hinata looked up at them, his hazel eyes were wide, wide with surprise and gratitude, But the two's males reactions weren't the same when they looked down at Hinata, when the brown haired male looked down at Hinata, it was like the air in his lungs all ran dry, his eyes slightly widened, his lips parted. 

The grey haired male looked at him, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips, his eyebrows raising ever so slightly, it was like time stopped for the two demons at the sight of Hinata, their ears focusing on Hinata's breath and muffling everything else. the snow seemed to fall slowly, but what cut the two males out of their trance of the small males beauty was the pained groan from the blond haired man.

Hinata teared his eyes away from them to the male on the ground, his lips parted as he saw the man's eyes fill with anger, Hinata started to slowly back away, the two males who helped him looked at the lowlife on the ground from the first male's punch, the blond was holding his jaw and spit on the ground, his spit was a mixture of blood and saliva.

 the grey haired man whispered into the other ear, something that Hinata couldn't hear, the first male clenched his jaw and walked up to the man on the ground, he grabbed the Man's collar and began walking off, his eyes showing pure hatred and anger. he easily dragged the lowlife man away into a corner Hinata couldn't see.

He looked up at the grey haired male, Hinata was still at a loss for words, until he finally spoke. "i... T-thank you.." Hinata breathed out, in shock. and a loss for much words, the grey haired male looked down at Hinata and smiled, his smile was sweet and something about it.. was trying to Lure Hinata in..

"Tis no big deal, we simply did what we saw fit" The grey haired male spoke, his voice was soothingly sweet like sugar, with salt undertones. Hinata's mind raced with thoughts, until he settled on one thought and question. "W-what's Your name..? I-i'm Hinata, Hinata S-shoyo!" Hinata managed to say through his wavering shock. "What a lovely name, for a lovely boy. My name is.. Sugawara." The grey haired male said, "And my dear friend who is dealing with that.. Lowlife, is Daichi."  Sugawara added his eyes flashing with disgust at the mention of the blond man.

Hinata tilted his head curiously, "What is he e-exactly going to do..?" Hinata asked, his voice laced with curiosity and confusion, He looked like a innocent puppy, This small male.. made Sugawara feel protective and amused, he couldn't figure out why he was feeling these things for a human who is probably like the rest.. a sinner at heart.

"He's just going to get him home safely" Sugawara said with a smile, he felt a need to lie to Hinata, a need to hide what Daichi was going to do.. but why? a demon can't be good, flat out, Nothing good comes from them and never will!

Hinata smiled sweetly and nodded, he seemed to believe Sugawara's pretty white lie with ease. Sugawara's eyes flickered with amusement, this was going to be a fun time.. Yet.. Sugawara may want to mess with Hinata, something was telling him not to.. but what?  Hinata looked up at Sugawara, a comfortable and protective silence falling over him.. but.. Something About Sugawara was off  about Sugawara to Hinata..

 his height and size intimidating, yet his eyes and smile captivating, as if he was trying to test and lure Hinata to him.. 

But the question is.. Will Hinata fall for the test and become like a normal human? or.. Will he refuse and keep his innocence and shock the secret demon standing before him..?




{A/N: Hello my flowers! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!! I'm sorry if i run dry of idea's or take a bit to update sometimes, or don't see any mistakes and miss them. I'm currently dealing with something that is keeping me low on energy and motivation. Hopefully you enjoyed my dear, thank you for reading this chapter!!}

Words put into this chapter: 846 (So short for a chapter ;-;)




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Merry early Christmas!! 🎄❄️




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