One: Kids Today.

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Four police cars were racing down the freeway after a yellow sports car...

News: "We're not sure where this chase started, but the vehicle is currently moving west on the 710 freeway. Whoa, that was close! I can count four LAPD vehicles in pursuit. He's got to be going at least 100 miles an hour."

Athena: "105 in a 65-mile-an-hour zone. He passed me about three miles back."

Man: "Is the suspect male?"

Athena: "The suspect was a blur."

Man: "Could you tell if there was anyone else in the vehicle?"

Athena: "The only way we're gonna see who's in that car is if we get a whole lot closer."

Maddie: "911. What's your emergency?"

Man: "I'm on the 710; there's a bunch of police cars on the road behind me."

Maddie: "Yes, we are aware of the police pursuit. Just pull to the right and let the officers move around."

Man: "No, I can't. They're chasing my car!"

Maddie: "I'm sorry, did you say you're in the car that the police are chasing?"

Maddie looked behind her at Josh.

Man: "Yeah, I'm the driver. The police are chasing me!"

Maddie: "What's your name?"

Man: "It's Tony. Tony Bryson."

Maddie: "Okay, Tony, I'm Maddie. Can you tell me what's going on and why you won't pull over for the police?"

Tony: "Because I can't! The gear shifter thing broke, and now it just keeps speeding up. I can't stop the car. Please help!"

Tony swerved the car around the cars in front of him

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Tony swerved the car around the cars in front of him...

Athena: "You think the kid's telling the truth?"

Josh: "I think children, as a rule, are pathological liars. So who knows? But this one seems pretty scared."

Athena: "15 years old; he probably doesn't even have his learner's permit. All right, send me every unit you can spare. We're gonna need to shut down this freeway."

Maddie: "Tony, what's your speed right now?"

Tony: "100, 105."

Maddie: "And your foot isn't on the gas pedal?"

Tony: "No, I'm not touching it at all. It's like the car is possessed. It's like I knew I wasn't supposed to be driving it, and it's punishing me."

Maddie: "Okay, and you've tried using the brakes?"

Maddie: "Okay, and you've tried using the brakes?"

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