Nine: Fallout.

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News: "Look out, L.A.! The eggheads over at JPL say there's a meteor shower coming our way. But not to worry... it's supposed to land smack-dab in the middle of Pacific."

A delivery man wheeled over some boxes to a house, passing an old woman who was raking up the leaves.

He placed a single box in front of the door, and the old woman walked over towards the house, knocking on the door.

"Oh, my God, finally!" Olivia shouted, running out of the house towards the box.

"Oh, wait. You cannot lift alone. He bring on dolly."

"I got it, Ms. Ulyanov. It's not that bad." Olivia murmured, bending down and trying to lift the box. "Lift with your knees, girl."

Olivia grunted, standing up straighter and lifting the box, carrying it into her house.


Olivia set the box on the counter, turning to face the older woman.

"I'll slip the rent under your door later, I promise." Olivia tells her.

"Oh, no, I not worry, Olivia. You throw party for yourself?"

"Pity party, yeah, pity rager. It's not every day you get fired from your content creation job because someone decides you "aren't getting the voice of the blog." You think it's my RBF? Don't answer that." Said Olivia.

"Olivia, it's been days. You cannot stay inside forever."

"Yes, I can." Olivia muttered, scoffing lightly and pulling out a blanket from the box. "My forever just got totally awesome."

"Because of blanket?"

"Weighted blanket. It's like a perpetual hug, Ms. Ulyanov, just precisely what I need. No, it's what I deserve. I'll see you in the spring." Olivia mumbled, smiling softly, seeing her out.

Olivia closed the door, then laid on the couch with her blanket, wearing her headphones.

The old woman was back to taking up the leaves when she saw something go flying through the wood of Olivia's house.

Olivia screamed.

"Olivia! Olivia!"

She gasped, running towards Olivia's house, hearing Olivia screaming.

Maddie: "911. What's your emergency?"

Ms. Ulyanov: "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!"

A few minutes later, Ashleigh drove the ambulance by herself, pulling up behind the fire truck...

"Oh, I am one who called."

"Ma'am, what's the name of the victim?" Asked Ashleigh.

"Her name is Olivia. She is alive. It is a miracle. I see it fall from the space."

Olivia moaned, and Ashleigh entered the house, looking up at the ceiling and seeing the hole.

"It fall all the way from heaven and land on top of her."

"Uh, you mean through her." Ashleigh murmured, staring at Olivia.

"This can't be happening, right?" Asked Olivia.

"Pulse is strong; airway's clear; breathing is good. CRT is good." Ashleigh says.

"Olivia, I need you to tell me your pain level from one to ten." Bobby said.

Ashleigh placed a small machine on Olivia's finger.

"It's, like, a four, but it's throbbing. How am I even alive? I have a hole in me!" Olivia shouted.

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