Fifteen: Powerless.

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A mother and daughter were driving over a grassy area...

"I can't believe you woke me up at the crack of dawn for this. We're in the middle of nowhere." Sophie says.

"It's an adventure."

"It's a consolation prize. You and Dad are getting a divorce, and this is your way of trying to make me feel better." Said Sophie.

"Just get out of the car. This is a chance for us to do something new together. Just you and me."

"Yeah, 'cause that's how it's gonna be from now on, right? Just you and me." Sophie tells her.

"Hey, I know this is hard for you, but it's not exactly easy for me either. Your father and I tried hard for a really long time..."

"We used to be a family. You and Dad used to not fight. You just forgot, that's all." Said Sophie.


"Yeah, I know. I'm a kid. I don't have any power. You and Dad get to make all the decisions, but stop expecting me to pretend like I'm okay with them." Sophia says.

"Fair enough. Let's go take a hot air balloon ride."

A few minutes later, they were in the air...

"It's magical."

"It's not magic, Mom. It's not air. That's what makes it fly." Sophie said.

"Actually, it doesn't fly; it floats. Like a cloud over the entire world."

A gust of wind knocked the basket.

"That definitely doesn't feel like floating." Said Sophie.

"The winds are kicking up." He said.

"Whoa, whoa!"

Nick: "Gabe, this is Nick."

Gabe: "Go ahead, Nick."

Nick: "Winds are pushing hard. We're gonna have to set her down past Decker Road."

"Whoo! Seems pretty fast."

"Yeah, there's gonna be a little bounce. Hang on." He muttered, throwing out the weights.

Sophie yelped when it made contact with the ground.

"I don't like this." Said Sophie.

"Everyone okay?" He asked.

"Okay, I just need to get off this thing." Sophia says.

"Let me get out, and I'll help you."

At the same time the mother stepped and the worker stepped off, the hot air balloon began floating back up.

"Mom! Mom! Mom!" Sophie shouted.

The worker fell back, hitting his head off the rock.

"Sophia! Oh, my God! Oh, my God, what are you... bring it down!"

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