Fourteen: The One That Got Away. Part Two.

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Still with Red, he stepped out of Cindy's house, and Ashleigh stood up from the table, following him...

"Hey, hey, Red. I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know..."

"Stop!" He shouted, turning around and facing her.

"I had no idea. I was trying to help."

"Do you even understand what you just did? She was all I had left. Everything else, everyone else is gone. At least I had these great memories of her. The girl who started bar fights and the girl who was afraid of snakes. The girl who knew who I was. Now I don't even have that. Hm?" He asked.

 Hm?" He asked

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"Come on, listen to me. Just stay away from me. I'm not sure I can survive your help anymore." He tells her.

She stood there, looking down sadly.

Back at the police station, Athena walked into a room...

"Got your message. You found something?"

"Yeah, I looked at the most recent file. It's mainly aerial footage of the neighbourhood." Gigi said.

"Yeah, that's what he said he was doing."

"But then it gets weird." Gigi muttered, pressing a button.

A video began playing, and Athena frowned, leaning down to get a better look.

The video showed Ashleigh in her bedroom getting dressed and undressed.

"That's why he was flying a drone over her house. He's a Peeping Tom."

Athena walked out of the room, heading to the front desk.

"Rhee. The guy I brought in earlier, Jeffery Hudson, bring him up and put him in interrogation two." She said.

"Drone guy?"

"Yeah." She says.

"We bounced him out."

"What?!" She asked, shouting loudly and turning around. "On whose authorisation?"

"Feds. Said it wasn't worth the drive across town. Told us to cut him loose with a warning."

The next morning, Ashleigh was standing on the stairs, staring at Buck...

"Thought I was helping him, but I just made everything worse."

"But you didn't mean to, and I'm sure he'll realise that once he calms down." He said.

"She didn't even know who he was. For a second, it was like she was afraid of him. You don't get over that so easily. To have someone you love so much look at them, not see them."

"Ash..." He murmured.

"I'm just saying maybe you don't understand. You don't know what it's like to watch someone you love walk away."

A cooking TV show was being held...

"Now we're heading into the dessert round, and everything is on the line. Chef Maurice, what are you preparing for me here?"

"Triple bourbon bread pudding, Chef. Just adding some more bourbon to the sauce now." He says.

"And you've also got bourbon in the pudding itself and the whipped cream. Sure, that won't be overpowering?"

"I want to make sure the vanilla oak and caramel notes of the bourbon really come through." He said.

"So you're not worried about repeating old mistakes?"

"Don't worry, Chef. Not letting the title get away from me this time. It's gonna be great." He tells her.

"Well, you certainly sound confident. And I'm looking forward to seeing if the dish lives up to that. Chef Sharlene, you are going full on pastry here."

"This is my orange-infused chocolate truffle cake." Sharlene says.

"Sounds decadent. And you're doing the whipped cream by hand. You're not worried about time?"

"I'm gonna whip as fast as I can." Said Sharlene.

"Wow. Nitrous whipped cream."

He nodded.

"A winning chef would want soft peaks and valleys you get from a hand whip, not the industrial fluff you get from pressurised gas. It's gonna be great, right?"

She turned around, and the can exploded, spraying all the cream over her and the lid buried in his chest.


Dispatch: "911. What's your emergency?"

Woman: "My chef's been creamed!"

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