Fourteen: The One That Got Away.

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A building was on fire, and firefighters were outside...

Ashleigh walked through the halls with Bobby.

"Anybody here? LAFD. Floor looks empty, Cap." Ashleigh said.

"Let's make sure." Bobby said.

"LAFD!" Ashleigh shouted, banging her clenched hand against a door.

"LAFD. Anybody there?" Asked Bobby.

They began opening doors and looking into the room.

"Guys, guys, over here! Over here!" Ashleigh shouted, grabbing the axe and banging it against the door.

Ashleigh managed to get the door open.

"LAFD! LAFD! Anybody here? Is anyone in here? Cap! Guys, over here! Sir, are you hurt?" Ashleigh asked.

"Don't know. Can't get up."

"I need 0-2!" Ashleigh shouted.

"0-2 coming in." Eddie muttered, handing it to Bobby.

"Can you wiggle your toes for me, sir? All right, there we go. We're good to go!" Ashleigh shouted, giving Bobby a thumbs up.

"Wait. Gladys. Need to get Gladys."

"Gladys? Who's Gladys?" Asked Buck.

"Could be a cat or a dog." Ashleigh muttered.

"All right, Ash, we got this. Go look around out there and see if you can find a pet." Bobby tells her.

"I'm on it, Cap." Said Ashleigh.

Ashleigh began looking around, holding a flashlight.

"Gladys, where are you?" Asked Ashleigh.

Bobby: "Mayday, mayday, mayday. Building is unstable. We're calling for an immediate evacuation."

"Ash, let's go, let's go." Said Buck.

"Let's get out of here, Ash." Eddie says.

"Gladys? Come on, Gladys, we really need to go, buddy. Gladys? Gladys!" Ashleigh shouted, finding the cat.

At the dispatch center, Maddie was at work...

Maddie: "911. What's your emergency?"

Maddie frowned, not hearing a response, and saw an incoming TTY call.

Maddie began typing.

Maddie: "This is 911; go ahead."

TTY: "Trapped in fire."

Maddie: "Please tell me your location."

A woman was kneeling beside the window, staring at the flames.

A woman was kneeling beside the window, staring at the flames

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TTY: "579 Atwater St."

The firefighters came out of the building, and Hen checked on the patient...

"He passed out as soon as we got him up." Said Eddie.

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