Thirteen: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1. Part Two.

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Athena stepped out of the car, walking towards dispatch...

Her eyes saw the camera, and she continued walking.

In the lobby, an alarm started beeping, and he saw the officer.

Oliver: "Hey, guys. Cop approaching. What do you want me to do?"

Greg: "How many?"

Olivier: "Looks like she's alone."

"What the hell is she doing here?" Greg asked, shoving the tablet into Ellis's stomach.

Ashleigh chewed her bottom lip.

"Uh, officers routinely come here for... for pursuit recordings, call recordings..." Ashleigh muttered, staring over at Sue.

"Shut up!" Greg shouted.

Oliver: "She's coming in. What do you want me to do?"

"Morning." Athena said, staring at Oliver.


"I'm here to follow up on a call. Mind if I go up?" Athena asked,  pointing at the elevator.

"Yeah, sure."

Athena walked towards the elevator.

Greg: "She's coming up? That's not good."

Foster: "Shoot her."

"What?" Greg asked, looking over at Foster.

Oliver: "Are you serious?"

Olivier had whispered, seeing how Athena was only a few feet away.

"Did you say something?" Athena asked, looking back at him.

"Nah, just... world's gone crazy."

"Don't I know it?" Athena asked, laughing softly.

"You wanna kill a cop? I didn't sign up for that." Ellis tells them.

"Yeah, none of us did. That's not your call to make." Greg tells him.

"I don't work for you." Foster said.

Foster: "Shoot her now."

Athena stood with her back to Oliver, waiting for the elevator.

"No, wait! Wait." Ashleigh murmured, standing up and holding up her hands. "I can get rid of her. I can. I promise."

"Whatever you're gonna do, do it." Greg mumbled, pointing the gun at Ashleigh.

Ashleigh grabbed her earpiece, staring at Greg.

"Go." Said Greg.

Ashleigh: "727L30, we've got a report of a code 77 at Eagle Rock Lanes."

Athena heard Ashleigh's voice coming through her radio, her mouth opened.

Athena heard Ashleigh's voice coming through her radio, her mouth opened

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