Seven: Athena Begins. Part Two.

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Later, Athena and Ashleigh sat in a car outside a pawn shop...


McCluskey and Athena were sitting in their cop car outside a building...

McCluskey: "12 Adam 30, we are Code 6. I repeat, we are Code 6."

"Out of car on investigation? Except we're neither." She says.

"What central don't know won't hurt 'em."

"Ok, so what are we looking for?" She asked, staring at him.


McCluskey pointed his finger at a man on a bicycle.

"Police 101. Follow the money."

*End of Flashback...*

Ashleigh and Athena were still sitting inside Athena's cop car...

Ashleigh held a piece of paper and a picture of the gun and stared at the row of shops.

"Come on." Ashleigh muttered, climbing out of the car.

Athena and Ashleigh entered a pawn shop, putting a picture of the gun in front of the shopkeeper.

"How do you know he bought it here?"

"The guy made multiple ATM withdrawals to pay for it. Last one? From the ATM, cross the street. Then, an hour later, he's in his car with this gun on his way to kill his boss." Ashleigh said.

"How could I know that would happen?"

"It's called a ten-day waiting period

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"It's called a ten-day waiting period." Said Athena.

Ashleigh grabbed the picture of the gun, holding it up and showed it to him.

"I got a lot of friends who can do me a lot of favours, but I won't help you if you don't help me." Athena tells him.

"Tell us where you got this gun." Said Ashleigh.

He nodded his head, motioning for them to follow him.

"Come on."

He opened the door to a back room, and they walked into the room.

"Couple came in a couple of weeks back. Said they found it in the attic. Name and address are probably fake."

He opened a filing cabinet, grabbing a brown folder.

"But the thumb print is real."

Ashleigh grabbed the file from him, and they stared at the file for themselves.

"It's the girlfriend's."

"Give me a sec." Ashleigh muttered, taking out her phone and taking a picture of the thumb print.

A while later, Ashleigh and Athena walked up to a house, finding a woman...

"Marianna Petrossian. LAPD. We're looking for your boyfriend." Athena says.

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