Nine: Fallout. Part Two.

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Later, Buck grabbed Ashleigh a cup of coffee, walking over to her and handing her the cup...

"Finger thoracostomy. It's, uh... it's kind of badass." He muttered, laughing softly and sitting down beside her.

She just looked down at the floor.

"Come on, Ash, you saved a guy's life, you know, one who seriously did not deserve it

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"Come on, Ash, you saved a guy's life, you know, one who seriously did not deserve it." He says.

"No. Nobody deserves to die, Buck." She mumbled, putting the cup down beside her.

"Ms. Gilbert, sorry to keep you here so long. You can head home now." Williams said, walking over to her and nodding his head.

"Wait, you don't want my statement?" Ashleigh asked, standing up and staring at the officer.

"Detectives talked to Mr. Dagostino before he went into surgery. He said he shot himself by accident." Williams tells her.

"By accident?" Ashleigh asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought, too. You folks have a good night." Williams muttered, smiling at her and walking away from them.

"I... I don't get it." He mumbled, standing up and signing softly.

She stared ahead, walking down a hallway, and he followed her.

"Why would he cover for her?" He asked, staring at her, confused.

"Ashleigh, I'm so glad you're still here. I wanted to thank you." Tara says, walking over to Ashleigh and hugging her. "Thank you so much."

"Tara, what is... what is going on? The officer just said..." Ashleigh said.

"He said he could forgive me if I would forgive him if we could... if we could make things work." Said Tara.

"What?" Ashleigh asked, staring at Tara and shaking her head slowly. "No."

"It can be different now. We can be different. He... he promised." Tara muttered, walking towards the door, looking back at them, then disappearing.

Buck saw Ashleigh's eyes watering.

"You, uh, you wanna stick around in case she needs you?"

"You, uh, you wanna stick around in case she needs you?"

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