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Later, Buck was in the locker room in the firehouse and on the phone to Maddie...

Maddie: "This is the third call in thirty minutes, Buck."

Buck: "So are you positive you don't mind calling Ashleigh? All right, I... I just want to know what she's thinking."

Maddie: "I'll give her a call as soon as she gets back tonight."

Buck and Maddie said goodbye.

Ashleigh and Frank sat quietly, staring out the window. She jumped slightly when her phone rang...

Ashleigh: "Buck?"

Buck: "How you feeling? You guys still in the car?"

Ashleigh: "Buck, yeah. Gotta love holiday traffic in L.A."

Buck: "I'm sorry I couldn't be there with you."

Ashleigh: "Babe, you were there when it mattered. Besides, I'm not sure what you'd be able to do this time. Truthfully, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do. Buck, I'll call you later."

Buck: "All right, I love you. I'll see you soon."

Later that day, Frank pulled up outside Big Bear...

Frank opened the car door, hopping over to grab his stick to help him walk.

She breathed heavily, closing the car door and staring at the cabins.

"So what do we do now? Knock. "Hi, can I come in and relive my trauma?"

"I think we both know that this is not the place where he hurt you most." He said.

She got a flashback to the day they were inside that cabin, and Maddie distracted Doug, and Ashleigh slowly walked towards the building.

She stopped walking and stared at the water, and she went into a flashback, seeing herself and Maddie running.

She stopped walking and stared at the water, and she went into a flashback, seeing herself and Maddie running

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She looked down at the ground.

A few minutes later, she was walking beside the water alone, where Ashleigh and Maddie had run for their lives.

Her head began swimming with memories. She continued to walk, and then she was walking between trees.

She placed her hands together, looking around.

"Can't keep running!"

She squeezed her hand with her other, looking really freaked out.

"Maddie! Ashleigh!"

She placed one of her hands on the tree where Doug had shot instead of shooting her.

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