Two: Sink or Swim. Part Two.

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Back with Bobby, Buck, Hen, Eddie, and Chimney, they were inside a boat looking around...

"Okay, let's work fast, people, in between waves." Bobby tells them.

Buck checked a man's pulse, letting go of his hand when he didn't feel one.


Bobby's head snapped up, hearing a woman screaming. They all looked around, finding the boat and a woman waving her arms at them.

 They all looked around, finding the boat and a woman waving her arms at them

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"Cap!" Chimney shouted.

"I see it, Chim." Bobby says.

"Don't move, sir. We'll be right there." Chimney said.

"Be careful, guys. Unstable." Said Bobby.

Buck and Eddie climbed onto the boat.

"I'll check you out, sir." Chimney tells him.

"Gentlemen, can you hear me?" Buck asked, walking down the stairs with Hen.

"Antenna from the radio station pierced the hull." Eddie says.

"Then it pierced them. They're skewered together from the shoulder through the abdomen to the bottom of the boat." Hen said.

"And this boat is taking on water. We need a plan, Cap, and we need it fast." Said Buck.

A few minutes later, Hen and Bobby climbed the small set of stairs...

"Normally, we'd travel them both with object intact and let the ER sort it out." Hen tells him.

"Except for this case, the object is a radio station antenna and a boat. We need to separate them. Can we do that?" Asked Bobby.

"I don't know, Cap. This was Ashleigh's thing... but it has seemed to miss the kid's heart and lungs. I'm not sure about the stepdad. He's got about a half-dozen vital organs it could've hit. So as long as we keep both pieces in them, maybe." Said Hen.

"That's not a no. I wish I was Ashleigh right now." Bobby muttered.

"Adele, please..."

"No, I'm not leaving you... either of you." Adele tells him.

"Whatever happened to love, honour, and obey?"

"Women generally don't obey, mate. Trust me." Buck mumbled.

"I never said "obey." We didn't even finish the ceremony." Said Adele.

"It's okay, Mom. Please, just go."

"He's right, ma'am. Best thing to do now is let us work." Eddie says.

"I love you both so much." Adele tells them.

Eddie grabbed her hand, pulling her up and walking her off the boat.

"Okay, we have a plan." Bobby says.

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