Three: The Searchers. Part Two.

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Still with Bobby and Chimney, Bobby opened the door, finding the bodies...

"Okay, let's go, go, go." Said Bobby.

"I got a pulse here; it's steady, but her face has discolouration." Chimney says.

"All right, we've got to get some fresh air in here ASAP." Bobby said, using a hammer to smash the window.

"Building's backup generator got damaged by the seawater. We managed to put it out of its misery." Hen tells them.

"Okay, start bringing them down; get 'em on O2." Bobby says.

The firefighters began carrying the victims down and carrying them outside.

Bobby: "This is Ladder 118, Captain Nash, requesting medical transport at Ocean Plaza Apartment Complex, nine-nine Ocean, north entrance for..."

"17 minimum, Cap." Buck says.

Bobby: "At least 17 patients, acute CO poisoning, ASAP."

Dispatch: "Copy request, Ladder 118. All ambulances currently engaged. Stand by."

Bobby: "Standing by."

Buck saw a woman walking away, and he ran over, putting his arms around her.

"Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am. You shouldn't get up." He said.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I just need..."

"Hey, okay. Hold on, I got you." He says.

"I need to call my mom. I need to call... did you take my phone?"

"What's your name?" He asked.


"You mean Joanna?" He asked, staring at her.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Okay, Joanna, I'm Buck. You can call your mom once you get settled at the hospital, okay? Right now, you should sit down." He tells her.

"I just wanna sit over... ah!"

"What you hurt?" He asked.

"My ankle. I cut it at the gym yesterday. The water's making it sting."

He frowned, staring around them, and he stared at the pole sparking.

"Bobby?" Asked Buck.

"Yeah." Bobby says.

Buck ran over to Bobby, breathing heavily.

"Bobby, we gotta find a way to move all these people." Buck tells him.

"Already on it; just gonna take some time for the ambulances to get here." Bobby says.

"We don't have time. That truck down the street is leaking gasoline into the water. This is something Ashleigh would say, but we're literally standing on top of a bomb." Buck said.

Athena drove down a street, switching her lights off, watching a van...

"Did you get them all?" Tito asked.

"Yeah. We should check next door. Saw a couple of silver bowls through the window."

"We're hauling as much as we can carry already, man. I don't think we can fit no more." Tito tells him.

"LAPD. Both of you put your hands in the air. You want to drop that box, Boss?" She asked, pointing her gun at him.

"Uh... I can't."

"Oh, I bet you can."


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