Eleven: Seize The Day. Part Two.

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A few minutes later, the 118 arrived, and Mr. Blakely waited for them...

"I don't... I don't... I don't know what came over me. I... look, he said he was gonna take my house a... and I just lost it." Mr. Blakely tells them.

The firefighters stood there staring, and Ashleigh rushed over.

"Sir, can you hear me?" Ashleigh asked.


"Can you tell me your name?" Asked Hen.


"Pulse is strong. It's, uh, rapid." Hen muttered, staring at Ashleigh.

"Okay, running a line. Running it wide open." Ashleigh murmured, putting some tape over Harrison's hand and holding the needle in. "Eddie, get me a collar."

A few minutes later, Ashleigh was putting a collar around Harrison's neck, and Buck and Eddie began digging around the machine.

Bobby: "This is Captain Nash. I need LAPD unit sent to Saddle Peak Drive."

Dispatch: "Copy that, 118. Officer en route."

"Chim, can you see if he's impaled under there?" Asked Ashleigh.

"Can't tell yet, Ash." Chimney tells her.

"Well, okay, we need to get this thing off of him." Bobby said.

"I've got this, Cap." Ashleigh muttered, signing heavily and climbing into the machine.

Ashleigh then lifted the machine.

"That's close, Cap, but we still need to get it higher to pull him out." Hen says.

Ashleigh did it slowly, and Bobby looked over at her.

"A little higher. He's almost free. Okay, get ready to pry it up." Bobby said.

Eddie and Buck did that, prying it up with blocks of wood, and Ashleigh stood up, and Chimney grabbed her hand, helping her jump down.

Ashleigh walked back over to Harrison.

"Okay, on three. One, two, three. Okay, Hen, let's pull him out." Ashleigh murmured, grabbing Harrison's arm.

Harrison screamed, and Hen and Ashleigh placed him on a backboard.

"All right, he's clear." Bobby tells them.

"Cap, I'm feeling something here. We gotta turn him." Ashleigh says, staring at Bobby.

"How's his spine?" Bobby asked, staring at her.

"Lower extremities appear to be moving." Said Ashleigh.

"Upper extremities, too. Collar's in place. Pupils are good." Hen says.

"Let's flip him. One, two, three." Said Ashleigh.

They flipped him onto his side, and Hen held onto him, and Ashleigh groaned lightly.

"Um, I'm pretty sure all of this is supposed to be on the inside of his body." Ashleigh mumbled.

"He's been eviscerated. We need..." Eddie said.

"Ed, I've seen it before, okay? I'm the paramedic. We need to clean and irrigate." Ashleigh snapped, pouring a clear liquid on Harrison's back.

"And morphine. Lots of morphine." Hen says, staring at Eddie.

Eddie looked away from Ashleigh.

"All right, let's double dose. Three mills, Hen." Ashleigh says.

Harrison groaned, and Ashleigh apologised.

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