Fifteen: Powerless. Part Two.

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Maddie: "911. What's your emergency?"

She was hoping it was Ashleigh, but she was slightly disappointed when it wasn't.

Man: "Yeah, hi. I'm over at your wholesale meat & fish on Laurel. Did the power go out or something?"

Maddie: "An accident caused an outage. DWP's working on restoring the power. We recommend that people shelter in place until the power's restored."

Man: "Oh, I'm not going anywhere. That's kind of the problem. I'm trapped inside. You think you could send someone to get me out? I'm getting pretty cold."

Maddie: "Where did you say you were?"

Man: "I'm in the walk-in freezer."

Maddie: "Okay, what's your name?"

Man: "Gordon. Gordon Johnson."

Maddie: "Okay, Gordon. I'm Maddie. There should be some kind of emergency release knob inside the freezer. Have you looked for it?"

Gordon: "It's frozen over. Tried whacking it with a pole, but the ice is pretty thick. Any idea when you can have someone sent out?"

Maddie: "I... power's out for half the city. It might take some time. Can you tell me how large the freezer is?"

Gordon: "Probably about 15x30."

Maddie: "Good. That's enough cubic feet of oxygen to last you for a few hours."

Gordon: "Hours? Hours? I can't stay in here for hours."

Maddie: "No, no, no. Gordon, don't panic. The faster you breathe, the more air you'll use, so you need to slow your breathing."

Gordon: "Okay. I don't want to end up with another frozen piece of meat in here."

Maddie: "That's why you need to conserve as much of your body heat as possible. I want you to look around and tell me everything you see that isn't frozen meat."

A few hours later, Gordon was still inside the freezer...

Maddie: "How we doing, Gordon?"

Gordon: "Pretty cold. Tired too."

Maddie: "Don't fall asleep, Gordon. I need you to stay awake, okay? Gordon? Gordon?"

The 118 finally arrives...

"LAFD. Gordon? Okay, he's out. Probably hypothermic. Let's get him out now." Bobby says.

Eddie used the saw, and then the saw died.

"Saw's dead. Need another battery." Eddie says.

"And that was the last battery pack. Too many car accidents in one day." Chimney said.

"Couldn't we just break open this window?" Asked Eddie.

"Even if we could get in that way, how do we get him out? It's too small. I mean, if I had Ashleigh, she would've figured this out already." Hen muttered.

"The unit should have an electronic emergency. Maybe it just needs a jump." Bobby said.

And that's what they did, and they got to work.

Back with Ashleigh, she was in the corner, crying softly, and she grabbed her clothes...

Her hand touched her chest, finding the necklace from Buck gone. She puts her head in her arms.

Back with Buck, he was standing in the reception area of the police station when Athena walked out...

"Buck, I've heard. Look, I need you to stay out of this, okay? Anything you do right now might put Ashleigh in more jeopardy than she is already."

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