Eleven: Seize The Day.

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A mother and daughter were getting ready to skydive...

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Lizzy said.

"I'm your mother. I don't talk you into things. I tell you what to do. And because I was in labour for 18 hours, you do it."

"I don't see how that obligates me to fall 30,000 feet out of a plane with you." Lizzy says.

"Oh, please. It's 15,000 tops. We made a pact to spend more mother-daughter time together."

"Bucket listing out of a plane is not a mother-daughter activity. It's a bet you make with gravity." Said Lizzy.

"Lizzy, this is important to me. Life is short. Gotta grab the bull by the horns."

"I swear, Dad dying made you weird." Lizzy tells her.

"Well, it's not like I have grandkids to keep me busy. Wonder if our instructor is single. Stefan..."

"Mom!" Lizzy shouted.

Stefan turned around.

"Is that our plane?" Asked Lizzy.

The plane set off, taking them up to the sky.

"We're approaching altitude. We ready?" Stefan asked, staring at them.

"Ready! Time to seize the day!"

"Okay, ladies. I'll count it down." Said Stefan.

Suddenly, the plane jerked, and Stefan was knocked out.

Stefan fell from the plane, but his parachute got caught in the seat, preventing him from falling to his death.

Dispatch: "911. What's your emergency?"

Woman: "Stefan's gone!"

Dispatch: "What do you mean?"

Woman: "He's hanging out of the plane!"

The 118 arrived on the scene, and Ashleigh held some binoculars.

"It looks like his parachute is snagged on something. He's caught underneath the airplane." Ashleigh tells them.

"Well, he hasn't said anything on the radio

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"Well, he hasn't said anything on the radio. Might not be conscious." Said Eddie.

"Well, Eddie, I really hope not, for his sake. Because that's a memory he's not gonna wanna savour. We got us a concussion, possibly a spinal injury. I mean, it's not surprising he's getting buffeted by turbulence under the plane." Ashleigh says.

"Yeah, she's right, Cap, we're gonna need to treat him for exposure." Hen said.

"And we haven't talked about how we're gonna get him down." Buck tells them.

"Okay, Ash, how's that leg of yours?"

"Okay, Ash, how's that leg of yours?"

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