Four: Triggers. Part Two.

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Later, Athena was at home and on the phone with Maddie...

Athena: "I looked for priors on that name you gave me, Vincent Dagastino. Couple of D&Ds, drunk and disorderly, a few years back. Uh, one speeding violation about five years ago."

Maddie: "So no arrests for battery, assault, anything violent?"

Athena: "Nothing that made it into his record. I mean, if you're not sure, I could, um... I could do a little more digging; call some friends."

Maddie: "No, that's okay. I'm not really sure about anything. I feel like maybe I'm chasing shadows here. Um, but thank you for your help."

Athena: "Anytime."

Maddie: "Uh, yeah, I appreciate it. Bye."

Athena: "Bye."

Maddie hung up, staring at a house and seeing a car pull up outside.

Back at Athena's house, Bobby was cooking, and Athena walked into the kitchen...

"Mmm, mmm, do I smell candied yams?" She asked.

"I still can't believe you invited her without talking to me first."

"Uh, she's my friend. I just wanted her to know that no matter what, she's still family. Thought dinner would give you two time to work things out." She says.

"Athena, I didn't tell her."

"I thought you said she came by the firehouse." She tells him.

"She did, but then we had to go out on a call."

He was interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll get the door."

"Hmm. I'll get the wine." She says, chuckling lightly.

A few minutes later, Bobby, Athena, Ashleigh, and Buck were sitting around the table...

Ashleigh cleared her throat, picking at the food.

"So that lawyer was asking all these questions, so I told him off big time. You know I said, "You're not gonna get me to sign any affidavit that blames the 118 for anything." Ashleigh says.

"Wow." Buck said.

"Appreciate that." Bobby said.

Buck and Athena stared at Bobby, frowning softly.

"Please, the nerve of the guy to think I would turn on my friends? Uh-huh. Whew, uh, I missed the cooking, Cap." Ashleigh said.

"Well, I miss your eating. Never have to worry about leftovers." Bobby tells her.

Buck chuckled.

"Collard greens?" Athena asked, holding some over her plate.

"Uh, no, no, not for me. Uh, I can't eat those, not while I'm on blood thinners. Too much vitamin K." Ashleigh said.

"Oh, it sounds like you're taking your health very seriously."


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