Thirteen: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1.

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Ashleigh entered the dispatch center, holding her cup of coffee, and her phone buzzed...

Ashleigh: "Hi. It seems like there's a big police presence here today. So were there any problems getting out of the hotel this morning?"

Buck: "No, no, 100% comped as promised."

Ashleigh: "Perfect. Just like everything else last night. Honestly, my favourite part wasn't the fancy clothing."

Buck: "Or any clothes at all?"

"Oh, morning, Ash." Linda says.

Ashleigh smiled, waving her hand and walking over to Maddie's table.

"Morning." Ashleigh muttered, finding Maddie's desk empty, and sat down in her chair.

Ashleigh: "Okay, so this conversation is officially not appropriate right now, baby. I gotta go."

Buck: "Okay, well, call me once you're finished there. Oh, and I was thinking maybe we could, like, go to Wi Spa."

Sue walked over, seeing Ashleigh and Josh.

"Oh, Ash... is Maddie not here yet? Well, when she comes, tell her this is Officer Brown, and he's shadowing her to see how we work here." Sue says.

"She's just gone to the toilet." Said Ashleigh.

"Hi, handsome." Said Greg.

Suddenly, Josh dropped the cup he was holding, and it smashed to the ground.

Ashleigh spun around, staring at the floor.

"See any good movies lately?" Greg asked, staring at Josh.

Sue saw the guy take out a gun.

Buck: "Ashleigh?"

"Stay calm." Another guy muttered, walking over to them.

Ashleigh stood up.

"End the call." Greg tells her.

Buck: "Ashleigh, what's going on?"

Ashleigh's eyes widened, seeing him point the gun at Sue.

Ashleigh's eyes widened, seeing him point the gun at Sue

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Buck: "I can hear stuff, Ash. Ashleigh?"

"Carefully." Greg says.

Buck: "Hello, Ashleigh, are you there? Did I lose you?"

Ashleigh: "I love you, hold on to that."


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