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It was Christmas time in Los Angeles, and a shopping parking lot was busy...

A car pulled out of their spot, and the next car got ready to park when another car pulled into the parking spot.

"Excuse me? Hi. Excuse me... I... I was... I've actually been waiting for that sp..."

The woman stepped out of the car, ignoring the woman closing her car door, and walked towards a building.

Finally, the woman who'd gotten her parking spot stolen had finally found another parking spot, and she opened the door, being shoved out of the way.

"Excuse us." He said, barging her out of the way.

"Uh, excuse me. Ouch! Honestly. Okay." She muttered, standing safely in the middle of the floor.

She then finds a worker walking over to her.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for... a duck that dances." She says.

"Promotional display on seven."

"On seven. Okay. Where's... where's seven?" She asked, looking back at him and finding him gone.

She then found a crowd of people running down an aisle. People began shoving everyone, running in front of each other. The woman walked down the aisle.

She reached out, grabbing a box of the dancing duck, when it was suddenly snatched out of her hands.

"Hey! Hey!" She shouted.

The man turned around, and she pepper sprayed him in the eyes, and he fell to the floor.

A woman saw him drop the dancing duck and bent down to pick it up.

"Let go of the duck!" She shouted, spraying the woman in the eyes and snatching the box out of her hands.

"That's enough." A man said, placing his hand on her arm.

She spun around, spraying him in the eyes and pepper spraying everyone in the eyes.

"What is wrong with you people?! This is not what Christmas is supposed to be like! You people are animals." She said.

"Hold it right there. I'm gonna need you to hand me that pepper spray."

She slowly turned around, holding up her arms, and saw Santa.

She went to give it to him when she sprayed him in the eyes, and he screamed.

A few minutes later, the woman was being arrested...

 A few minutes later, the woman was being arrested

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"Thank you, thank you so much for saving that. I mean, at least if I have to go to jail, I'm leaving with what I came for."

"Sorry, but that toy is going into evidence." Athena tells her.


Hen was checking up on Santa.

"Sir, this burning is gonna go away. It's just gonna take a couple of hours." Said Hen.

"Long before you need to be back in the North Pole." Ashleigh says.

"Is Santa Claus gonna die?"

"Oh, hey. No, no, no." Ashleigh mumbled, staring at one of the kids. "Of course not, and don't you worry. He's not really Santa."

"He's not real?"

One of the kids stared at Ashleigh, and Ashleigh heard his voice crack like he was about to cry.

"Ash." Buck whispered.

"No, no, sweetie. He's just pretend." Said Ashleigh.

"Santa's pretend?"

Ashleigh stared around at the kids.

"Yeah, that's right." Ashleigh tells them.

"Ash. Ash. Ash, what are you doing?" Buck asked, whispering lowly and staring at her.

"Oh, God, they'll get over it. One day." Ashleigh whispered, looking around and seeing everyone staring at her.

Bobby shook his head.

"What?" Ashleigh asked, scoffing loudly.

"Did you just tell my kid Santa isn't real?"

Ashleigh signed, seeing a parent standing by her child and staring at Ashleigh.

"Uh, yeah." Ashleigh tells her.

"Um, no, no." Buck said, interrupting Ashleigh and giving Ashleigh a look.

"What? I was simply explaining that this Santa isn't the real Santa. He's a fraud." Ashleigh says.

The guy dressed as Santa placed his head in his hand.

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