Two: Sink or Swim.

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A drone flew around with a camera, catching Ashleigh and Christopher sitting on the bench...

"No flying drones on the pier. We've talked about this."

"Actually, you said that there was no unauthorised drone flying on the pier. But you're the Harbormaster. You could authorise it." She said.

"Or I could call a cop.

"But we're making art!" She shouted.

"Better do what he says, Charlie."

"Sorry, Reggie. Did you at least get it sketched?" Asked Charlie.

"Enough to get me started."

"Well, I need to get home anyway before my dad finds out I swiped his drone. Thursday?" Charlie asked.

"I'll be here.

The man walked into a room, seeing a boat too close.

Man: "Charmed Life, Charmed Life, this is the Harbormaster. Come in. Charmed Life, be advised, you are too close to the pier."

Christopher was touching Ashleigh's face, and she saw the water gone.

She frowned, standing up and staring into the distance.

"Ash, where did all the water go?" Asked Christopher.

The Harbormaster ran across the room, pressing the red button, and the alarms began blaring loudly around the beach.

The Harbormaster ran across the room, pressing the red button, and the alarms began blaring loudly around the beach

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Ashleigh's mouth opened, staring at it, then at Christopher.

She put Christopher over her shoulder and began running away.

"Run! Run, run! Go! Get off the pier! Everyone, high ground! Incoming flood, let's go!" Ashleigh shouted, running away from the pier.

Everyone began running away, and Ashleigh looked back at the water.

"Get off the pier!" Ashleigh shouted, running over to a stall. "Here."

She placed Christopher inside the stall, staring back at the water.

The water smashed through the pier, and Ashleigh's mouth opened, running over the stall, jumping over it, and the water smacked into her.

The water smashed through the pier, and Ashleigh's mouth opened, running over the stall, jumping over it, and the water smacked into her

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