Twelve: Fools. Part Two.

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Later that night, Eddie was sitting at the breakfast island with Ashleigh...

Ashleigh slid him a beer.

"Pretty sure all kids call their parents liars at some point."

"Yeah, well, it feels a little different when you hear it coming out of your kid." He says.

"Just wait till he gets to the "I don't have to do what you tell me" phase."

"Aren't you still in that phase?" He asked.

She scoffed, taking a swig of her drink.

"The thing is, he's right, and you were right. I lied to him. Or maybe I lied to myself. Either way, I feel like a fool. I spent years trying to convince my kid to believe in the Easter Bunny, but now I've gotta tell him none of it's real." He muttered.

"Yeah, I think you might be overcorrecting here."

"Told him he's no different than the other kid..." He said.

"But he is. He has CP. Look, I'm not trying to be a bitch here, but there's gonna be stuff he can't do."


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"No. No, you're right, Ash." He mumbled.

"Have you ever heard of Jim Abbott?"

"Baseball player?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Mm-hmm. Pitched a no-hitter in the '90s, which in itself is pretty crazy, but it's even crazier if you know that Jim Abbott was only born with one hand. Yeah, really, Buck got me the book when I was in the hospital."

"Okay. How'd he do it?" He asked.

"He practiced switching his glove to his throwing arm relentlessly so that he could field after he pitched."

"I like the positivity and I appreciate it, but I'm just not sure how any amount of practice is gonna help Chris stay on a skateboard." He tells her.

She nodded slowly, looking around her apartment.

Later that night, Athena was around Michael's unpacking some groceries...

"I'm not an invalid, you know. I can still get groceries for myself."

"I'm doing something nice. Say thank you." She murmured, holding out a bottle to him.

"Ooh, thank you."

"Huh. You're welcome." She said.

"So, uh, what's happening now with your bullet lady?"

"They removed the bullet this morning, so just waiting for ballistics to give us a clue to something." She says.

"Well, what about the husband?"

Joan's husband was in his wife's hospital room, kissing her forehead.

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