Fast Escape

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Chapter 19

Melissa’s POV

I fluttered my eyes as I woke up; it was far too warm for me. Travis’s head was on my chest, his hands circled my waist and held me close while his legs tangled with mine. Wow!

I took time to study him, who could blame me for wanting to look at this hot specimen near me. He looked so vulnerable right now and it tugged at my heart. I admired his long eyelashes, his straight chiselled nose and his oh so pink lips. I had the urge to run my hands through his soft jet black hair but resisted; couldn’t have him waking up.

Breaking myself from the reverie, I tactically disentangled myself from him. He stirred a little but thankfully went back to sleep. I got my clothes from the top of his drawer, then silently went into the bathroom to change. Damn, my hair was a mess. I used my fingers as a comb and pulled it into a messy ponytail. I washed my face and picked up his toothbrush to brush my teeth. I smirked at myself feeling naughty.

When I was done with dressing up, I carried my purse and sneaked out, walking as fast as I could. The last thing I wanted was Mrs Colton catch me sneaking out of her son’s bedroom. I entered my car and drove off to the mansion.

There was music playing loudly from the speakers that hadn’t been used until now. It was so unexpected; Glenna always wanted the house to be silent. I strode to the kitchen and there she was, singing along with the artist happily and dancing around as she cooked. Wow, I was beyond shocked, she was wearing a pale blue apron and her hair was tied up in a ‘messy’ doughnut. She looked more like a housewife than of the Glenna I knew.

Once she saw me, she dropped the sauce pan she was holding and came to hug me. I wasn’t sure what to do but I hugged her back when she didn’t let me go. Her shoulders shook slightly as she cried.

I pulled back, what the hell! This was beyond strange. I started to panic, I wasn’t Glenna’s biggest fan but it didn’t mean I wanted to see her like this, I mean if it wasn’t for her, I would never have had somewhere to stay after I escaped from Vincent.

“Glenna, what’s wrong?”I asked softly.

“I’m sorry honey; it’s just last night I didn’t see you at home and I got really worried and lonely…you know the house is big and all,” she said wiping her nose with the apron. “I was alone,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry Glenna; I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.”

“No, you don’t need to apologise for anything, I’m the awful one, God I’ve been so horrible and john won’t even talk to me,” she sighed, recovering from her earlier breakdown.

I didn’t say anything, what did she expect, she cheated for Pete sake.

“I know what you’re thinking Melissa. I feel more that awful already. I should never have done what I did,” She scowled bemused.

“I was just so lonely, I know it isn’t a good excuse for what I did but, all those months of waiting for John to comeback from whatever business trip he always goes to…and now, all I want is him; I miss him Melissa.”

I hugged her consolingly. “Do you still love him?” I asked out of curiosity once I pulled back and she nodded.

“He has agreed to talk over dinner. I can’t wait to see him!” she squealed like a teenage girl seeing her crush for the first time and I rolled my eyes.

“Can you cook?” I asked suspiciously; I had never seen her cook before.

“Of course I can, I want this dinner to be special,” she said smiling a secretive smile to herself. Only God knew what she was thinking. “I hope he forgives me, and if he does I promise I won’t ever do what I did ever again.” She swore and I could feel the sincerity in her voice.

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