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Chapter 10

Melissa's POV

I hate the world. Wish I could go somewhere far away and fall in love with my own prince charming. Have a place where there was no one after you, where you could just lie down, close your eyes and be surrounded by something I know I may never get. Inner peace. My own fairy tail dream.

School was the only place I could feel something close to that, where I could forget about all the nightmares at night, all the dangers of the real me and just be like every other high school girl. And by every other high school girl, I mean being popular, working hard to get good grades, hanging out with your best friend and your typical hot boyfriend.

“Chelsea are you okay?” I rushed to Chelsea as she fell down from the top. We were practicing our routine and she was being held up by two girls.

I looked at her more closely, why she was being so drowsy lately. Chelsea was always on top of her game; she practiced more than anyone on the group and was better than almost anyone here.

“Yeah I’m okay, I just need-” and with that she ran out.

“Chels,” I called after her. “Take it from the top, Shannon take Chelsea’s place. Kelly could you lead them before Ms. Small comes?”

“Sure, make sure to keep your crazy friend in check, she’s ruining our routine.” Kelly scowled, flipping her hair.

Rolling my eyes I went after Chelsea and obviously she was in the restroom.

“Chelsea are you okay? You know you can tell me been acting really weird lately and I was just wondering if you wanted to t-” I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence when she rushed into me and sobbed loudly into my shoulder. I didn’t say anything but robbed her back soothingly.

After a while she stopped. “Alright start talking.”

“The-night-at-the-party-I-hooked-up-with-this-guy…” she started talking extremely fast; I couldn’t even understand one word she uttered.

“Start over please and more slowly.”

“The night at Junos’ I hooked up with this guy from my hood and then I found out I was pregnant.” She took a sudden interest in her shoe. “I lied to him Mel,” she looked up, more tears coming out of her eyes.

My eyes almost bulged out of my skull. Why haven’t I noticed that she was pregnant! I mean all the signs were there plus the whispers and stares lately. I snapped out of my own inner thoughts and tried to remember what she said last.

“With who?” I asked.

“Taylor… I told him the child was his.”

“Whoa Chels. You should tell him the truth before he finds out from someone else and besides it’s not fair to him.”

“I know that but I just can’t. If I do he’s going to dump me and I won’t have anyone else to turn to.”

“You know you can always come to me Chels, I know I might not be a very good friend and I’m not always great with being a shoulder to lean on and all those stuff but I care about you and will always be there, okay?” I told her, hugging her in the process.

“Okay,” she mumbled against my shoulder. The bell rang making us jump form the nice moment we had just standing there, and enjoying each other’s embrace.

“Urgh! biology,” I voiced out loud.

She smirked at me, giving me a knowing look. “Not ready to see Travis, huh?”

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