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Chapter 14.

Melissa’s POV

After Scott and his backups finished videoing, they ran out excited, thinking they had won a ten million lottery or something.

They were so wrapped up in what they were doing that they didn’t even think of touching me, which I was thankful for.

I tried standing up but my hands were too weak and I fell back down. How could they do this to me! I felt like crying but I decided otherwise. I was tired of crying and besides it wouldn’t even help the situation at all.

With all the strength I could muster, I stood up, my legs quivering beneath me. Grabbing my shirt from the ground, I pulled it on and realized that the buttons had been ripped off so I tied the two ends together.

I couldn’t think. My head was disheveled. I didn’t even want to think about what had just happened unless I really wanted to go crazy.

Apparently the police had invaded the place and I needed to get out of there. I could not deal with the questions that would be asked; besides if I even tried to tell on them they could easily denial it and not it wasn’t exactly like they did actually rape me.

I removed my shoes and ran out with it in my hands. I didn’t know where I was running to but I definitely wanted to get the hell away from there, and the only person I could think of was Travis.

I walked further down and didn’t stop until I reached a beach. My legs were killing me so I rested my body against a red car.

I looked around and was both amazed and jealous at how peaceful and happy they all were. I continued glancing sideways and wait! I snapped back, was that Travis and Shauna?! Oh that little skank. This day couldn’t get any worse. I matched down over to his, not in any way in my right mind.

“What the hell is going on?!” I exploded, not caring one bit that I looked like hell and I was making a fool of myself in front of Travis. “What is this slut doing with you,” I yelled again gesturing to Shauna who was in the process of kissing his neck.

“Travis! Are you letting her talk to me like that?” Shauna whined, her face red as she tugged on his hand. Everyone else was silent even Travis who looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. I realized that this was the first time I ever allowed my cool to go down.

“Penguin…” I didn’t wait for what he was about to say as I turned on my heel and ran as far as my legs could take me, this time not bothering to stop the tears.

“Melissa!” a voice called from behind me. I turned around and came face to face with the guy who has been haunting my dreams, the guy I couldn’t get out of my mind no matter how I messed up I was. Travis, the guy I hated, or thought I did.

He came forward to wipe away tears from my cheek but I swiped away his hand. “What’s your deal with Shauna… you’re such an ass,” I added as an afterthought.

“I’m the ass? And why do you even care about Shauna! You’re the one who stood me up in the first place!”

“Some stuff happened.”

“Like what? Checking what color of lip gloss will fit you better?” he said sarcastically.

“No, like almost getting raped by the person you trusted!” I said as more tears came down my face.

I stomped away. I couldn’t believe him, I had thought that after seeing him I would feel better but I actually felt worse.

Suddenly I was stopped and strong arms wrapped around me. “I’m sorry,” he murmured into my ear. I leaned in and pulled him tighter, tired of fighting and besides I think I deserved a little comforting. Just hoped I wasn’t wrong again.

“I will drive you,” he said after a moment. I nodded and let him lead me to a car. We drove for ten minutes without either of us talking.

“It’s here,” he said after parking near a lake house. He turned off the ignition and came down. Its Pete’s Grandparents house. “They never use it so we sometimes hang out here. I figured you needed to stay away and so we could talk?”

“Sure,” I answered and followed him to the entrance of the house. It was beautiful and old but had a homey feeling to it. As soon as Travis turned on the lights I could see a lot of pictures taken. One of an old woman with a man holding hands and smiling into each others eyes. They were so happy and cute together, I observed as I traced my fingers through the edges of the frame.

“That’s Mrs. Montgomery and her husband, Pete’s Grandparents,” Travis said to me as he came to stand near me. “Do you want anything to drink?”

“A coke will be fine.” I moved around the house as Travis went to get the drink. Going to the couch at the side I sat down and folded my legs in while I waited.

“Here,” he said as he sat beside me. “Okay, start talking. What happened?”

I shifted uncomfortably, not exactly wanting to talk, especially since it was with Travis. “Come on Pen, I know I’ve been more of a jerk to you, but I really don’t want you hurt,” Travis said to me, his eyes more tender than I’d ever seen him. I couldn’t stop staring at him; it was like he was a different person.

“I was almost raped by Scott,” I whispered, fresh tears rolling down my face.

“That bastard! I’m going to kill him,” Travis spoke out of rage and I think he actually meant the killing part.

“Travis,” I whispered when he regained his composure and came to hug me. “They videoed me and by tomorrow everybody is going to know that I’m not so perfect,” I mumbled against his chest.

“What do you mean by videoed,” he asked, pulling me away to look at my face.

I wasn’t sure what to do; I couldn’t possibly show him my scars. What if he got scared and never talked to me, what was the use anyway, the whole school was going to know soon anyway. “I’ve got scars on my back and they thought it’d be funny to put it on utube or whatever.” His anger was evident but I could see that he was trying very hard to suppress it.

He turned me and lifted my shirt slowly. He didn’t say anything as he examined it, just traced some of the lines with his finger sending shivers down my spine. My breadth came in short, was he just looking at the scars or doing something else!

He turned me back thankfully. “I don’t care, you’re perfect to me,” he breathed. I took in a silent gasp, what was he doing, why was he being so caring to me and those eyes… his eyes were so captivating. It looked like time slowed as his face came near to mine. I didn’t know what to do, I was about to panic but when he crushed his lips to mine, I couldn’t panic anymore, I couldn’t even think.

He started off slow at first, and then he went really rough. Even at that his lips still felt like silk on mine. It was so sensuous and erotic…oh my God! I pulled away.

“What the-!!” He exclaimed.

I had just changed.

Okay, I’m really really sorry about this late update, I’ve been away from watt pad because of exams and my parents took away the internet connection, but the good news is that I’m now on vacation so a lot of free time to update early. What did you think of this chapter, did I bring suspense at the last part (evil laugh).

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