Break Down

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I hope you guys enjoy, I decided to do a little of Travis’s POV, Hope I didn’t mess it up.


Melissa POV

“Why do you think I would want that!? Are you crazy? Or do you just think I’m getting fat...oh my God, I’m totally getting fat, aren’t I?”... Chelsea shouted absentmindedly.

“Um, so you want the hamburger or not?” Shelly asked. When she asked the first time Chelsea seemed to have taken offence and started screaming words we couldn’t understand at her. What was wrong with her anyway, she was suddenly obsessed with her appearance and seem to ask every one about if she was getting fat. Something was definitely wrong added to the fact that she gets angry at any little thing.

“Chels, are you feeling okay?” I asked, concerned.

“Why wouldn’t I be? Do I look sick or is something wrong with my appearance? Damn I knew something was off with my outfit today…" she trailed off and with that walked away .

I stood there dazed and totally clueless as to what just happened.

“She’s so weird, maybe Taylor finally decided to leave her someone better.” Kelly sneered in her annoying high pitched voice.

“And I suppose that person is you?”

“Well yes, I am far better than two of her. Taylor will realise that too once he steps out of the witches claws,” Kelly said in her superior tone, twisting her hair with her fingers.

I rolled my eyes and we walked to our table leaving Kelly to continue flirting with every cute guy that passed her by, she was so disgusting.

The bell rang which meant I had biology…great another subject that I detested. I entered the class and headed for my chair where Shauna was straddling Travis, making out with him.

As soon as I reached my table, Miss. Dana came in, making Shauna glare at me as she stood up to go to her sit. I stuck my tongue out at her in a totally childish way making her to glare even more and crack her knuckles. I rolled my eyes and sat down. Travis lips twitched and he looked at me with amusement.

“What?” I asked annoyed.

“Nothing,” he answered, his eyes still dancing with delight.

I sighed, “Whatever.”

“Class today we are going to be doing something different, I will first give you all a short test-” the class groaned at that. I wasn’t worried though, one of my weird abilities was to be able to remember or assimilate things easily.

“Don’t worry, it won’t go on your record, it’s just for me to see how good you are and where you need to improve.” She said going around passing out test papers. I looked down at my paper and smirked at how easy it was. I finished way before anybody else, then Travis dropped his pen also. I took a glance at his paper and was surprised that he got everything except one question right. Never would I have pointed him out to be a smart one.

“You forgot where your eyes should be?” Travis asked scowling when he caught me looking at his paper. “Are you really that dumb you couldn’t write anything on your own paper?”

I frowned at him. What was his problem today, other days he would just keep to himself without as much as a glance towards me.

“Why do you think so?”

“Because you dropped your pen within five minutes and started staring at my paper?” he answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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