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  • Dedicated to Gabriel Eye

Chapter 11

Melissa’s POV

We drove back to my house and researched using my laptop and my textbook. We haven’t said a word except ‘pass me the paper’ and ‘is this okay?’ I lay down on my bed humming quietly as I watched Travis type the remaining words.

Thank God Glenna wasn’t around; she would have my head if she knew that I let someone like Travis into the house.

Looking at him was making me drool. Why was his lip pinker today? And why was his biceps bulging more in the white shirt he was wearing. What the hell! What I doing staring at him and yet I couldn’t keep my eyes off him especially those lips, Like I was hypnotized. I signed. I was turning into Kelly day by day.

“What?” I asked dumbly.

“I said I’m done,” he smirked, catching me in my dazed state.

“I- was-j-just looking at how- fast you typed,” I blushed stammering but finding a suitable excuse which he didn’t buy. Why was he having this effect on me? No boy or anyone has ever made me stammer before or even blush! But with Travis I was always felt like I couldn’t act like I did with every other person.

“Mmmhmm, if that’s what you think, you can look all you want though… and I’m totaling fast at typing,” he grinned wider now.

I faked gagged rolling my eyes. “Whatever Travis, I really don’t care about what you look like today, as I said you’re extremely fast.”

“Okay penguin, so since we are done with our project’s outline, what else can we do?” he asked looking around. “Wow, your room is really neat, some kind of clean freak?”

I shrugged. I usually kept my hands busy when I have nothing to do.

“Oh see! You have a ps3, can we play?”

“No Travis, you are supposed to be on your way,” I told him scowling although I was tempted to play. I really loved playing games. Ever since I went to Chelsea’s house, we played games all through. At first I was hesitant but when I really got into it I found myself just playing around and being myself ,and I was also really good at it so I went out to buy myself one. I haven’t really gotten to play it lately, with all that was happening playing a stupid game console was at the least of my worries.

“Please,” he said drawing the word out and doing a very cute and intimidating puppy dog face. Oh well what was the harm there, besides it would be awesome to actually beat him at something.

“Fine, what game do you want to play?”

He jumped up like a little child that I couldn’t help myself but laugh. “What about ultimate naruto ninja?” I asked him, hoping he would say yes to my favorite game of all time.

“Cool, you know for a Barbie cheerleader you really have a cool boyish side.”

“Maybe, shall we get to the game and watch me kick your funny ass.”

“Ha! You wish.”

We played for like two hours and lost track of time, it was really fun playing with him. I won by four rounds, it was really funny, I ended up rolling on the floor laughing out loud while clutching my stomach. I couldn’t help it, I kept winning him and he kept asking for a rematch.

“LOSER!” I mimicked the computer as I won again. Standing up I did a happy dance to make him feel more miserable.

“Urgh!” he voiced frustrated. “You know I let you win right?” he asked, looking amused with my display.

“Yeah right, I won fair and square.”

“Fine whatever, I’m not playing again, my ego has been bruised enough,” he said standing up to examine the remaining of my room.

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