Travis's Life

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Travis POV

I pushed the guy against the wall and punched him twice. “Here’s the deal, pretty boy.” I said to Peter. “You either pay up or you’re gonna end up cold, alone…dead,” I threatened, my eyes darkening, making me look more dangerous. Of course, I wasn’t really going to kill him.

Peter stood there motionless, his face as pale as a ghost. He should have thought twice before he came to Red and bounced up with the money he was supposed to pay up.

When Ricco sends me to collect, I do it. I may not like doing it, but I do it anyway. He knows I won’t do drug deals or break into people's homes or businesses to steal shit. But I'm good at collecting debts. Sometimes its people, but those get to be messy affairs,especially because I know what's gonna happen to them once I haul them back to the warehouse to face Jugo. Nobody wanted to face Jugo. It's way worse than facing me. Peter should feel lucky I was the one assigned to look for him.

To say I didn’t live a squeaky clean life was probably a big understatement, but I try not to think much into it, the dirty shit I do was for the Red. And I was good at it. Technically my hands were free of drugs, okay, so drug money does get to me, but I don’t use it, just return it back to the Red.

As long as my family was safe, I didn’t care about the dirty shit fights I get into. My town was ruled by gangs; you either join or end up dead.

I usually tried my best to avoid the Red; I ran whenever I saw them and dragged my brother with me. Not because I was too weak or anything, but I just didn’t want anything gang-related associated with me, it didn’t end up in anything good.

I was in school beating up some kid that dared to mess with me. Ricco came around and saw me, demanding I join the gang. Of course I said no and tried to look tough, but when twenty of their men all came at me the next day, my façade fell. Five men I could take but not a number of twenty. They gave me a week to decide and also threatened to kill my brother. I couldn’t bear to risk the life of my brother after what happened to Jane.

“I don’t have the money,” he said.

I smirked evilly. “Don’t play with me Peter, you sure don’t want to end up dead, do you?”

“I promise to give Ricco at the end of the week.”

"Just smoke his sorry ass, Travis, and get this over with," Carlos said lazily, daring him the more to pay up.

"No!" Peter shouted. “I will get it, I promise! Tomorrow.”

“So you can run away? You have to leave collateral.”

“I–said–I–would–pay-you-back. You monster...urgh!” he forced out, screaming while grunting in pain as he clutched his stomach which was quickly covered in blood. His expression was very unsettling. What the hell just happened…?

Jugo stood there with a gun pointed at Peter. That bastard, he wasn’t supposed to be killed, damn it!

“Jugo, you idiot! Why the hell did you shoot him, I was supposed to take care of this!” I shouted furiously.

“Shut up Travis, you were too chickened up to do it anyway. besides we got the money and something else along with it,” he smirked.

Shit, he called the police; I have to get out of here before things get too messy. I couldn’t even bring myself to look at Peter; I hope this doesn’t hunt my sleep later.

“I hope you all rot in jail for this,” he croaked falling to the ground, just before the sound of the sirens overtook the place.

I took one last look at him, squeezing my eyes tight, I ran as fast as could. There was no way I was going to get arrested and make mother sadder.

My bike was parked far off in between two incomplete buildings. I climbed on and drove off. Damn it, I sure didn’t want to experience another death.

I didn’t bother to worry about Carlos, I knew he would get out fast enough.

At night, I was in my room unable to sleep, this always happens whenever something like this occur. I just didn’t want somebody’s life on my conscience. 

A week later I sat on the grass in the school courtyard eating lunch by a tree. Most ofthe students at WCH eat outside until late October, when the Illinois winter forces us to sit in the cafeteria during lunch period. Right now we were soaking up every minute of sunlight and fresh air while it's still decent outside.Carlos had been talking non-stop since we sat down. I was trying really hard to concentrate but I wasn't in the mood for chit-chats. I was simply staring into empty space, throwing stones to nowhere in particular.

“I think she’s lying… and I'm really going to be a father,” he said through clenched teeth.

That got my attention. “Whoa man, what are you talking about?” I asked.

He sighed. “You haven’t been listening have you?”

I looked at him apologetically. “So what’s up, what do you mean by that?”

“You know the night at the party, at Sanchez. Well Chelsea Coles and I hooked up and I think she’s pregnant,” he summarized the long speech he had been trying dictate to me before.

“Wow, how do you know that, Coles? The hot cheerleader?”

“Yeah, it’s fucked up right.”

“Really fucked up, she doesn’t hang out with guys like us, you know, rich kids and stuff. Besides, she’s dating that Taylor kid, right?”

He nodded. “She doesn’t want me near her, she told me to forget everything that happened… I found a pregnancy test in the bin near the girl's stalls.” He paused for a moment swallowing hard. “It stated positive.”

“You can’t be sure it’s hers.”

“I don’t really know, but I have a feeling its hers. Her face seems more puffy lately and I saw her throwing up yesterday, although she was trying as much as possible to hide-" He was cut short as my friend Juan, with his over sized red shirt and black jeans, slapped me on the back as he parks his butt next to me with a cafeteria tray balanced on his hand. "You geared up for next period, Travis? I swear Melissa Ivonne hates you like the plague, man. It's hilarious watching her move her stool as far as she can from you."

“Man that Mamacita is fucking uptight, but she’s damn Hot and way out of your league,” another of my friend; Ivan said, laughing along with the other guys. We saw Melissa walking towards the field and to their usual hangout table. One look at Little Miss Perfecta and my defenses go up, what the hell was with her anyway…what the hell was wrong with me…

“I bet that shirt is more expensive than your whole year savings.” Carlos told me, slapping me on the back playfully.

“That cupcake ain't got nothing on me, i'm just too real for her.” I said, grinning.

“Whatever Travis, im pretty sure you would get into her pants as soon as you get a chance. I know me would definitely want to tap that, as well as every other guy in this school.” Ivan smirked.

“I could get her if I wanted,” I stated confidently.

“Yeah, believe whatever you want man, she’s still way out of your league.”

I scowled, thinking why I couldn’t get her and loosen some of those tightened bolts in her.” “Watch me get her, stupid.” I smirked.

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