Ayan sayad

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After a hectic day from my office I went to my apartment I lived all alone in my entire life my so called uncle who died in accident I am just little bit thank full for him that he take care of office after my father death

I started my dinner I am going 28 in next month then (after married you forget about this) my mind say then I  will get my CEO position I started eating my food thinking about the girl with whom I will going to married just for 1 years ufff my friend  Sameer will handle this situation  nevermind 

I went to my room lay on my bed when I closed my eyes I can't think about them I have to sleep peacefully  I tried to sleep again and again  I CAN'T I saw the time it 2 :30  I have to take this pill again after taking the pills I slept  ring ring ring ring

I woke up I closed the alarm went to Washroom for shower then I heard something breaking this boy Sameer he comes often my home I went downstairs to see what he was doing ohh he is making breakfast he is not alone this time his assistant Jessica she is also here "good morning Ayan"Sam said

"morning" I said what are you doing here ?with your assistant? I asked after I sat on my chair

" hmm just making sure you are eating your breakfast u know na how much I care about you" he said taking sit in front of me after ignore his stupid answer

"did you find girl"? I asked

him"patience broo he said I glare him

"yes I found her"he said "what's her name?"I asked him

" Ayesha Ali"he said I looked at him

"Ayesha Ali?" I asked him" yess Ayesha Ali" he said

"do you mean that girl whom you help" ? I again asked him he treats her as his sister after her parents died in accident I never meet her in real life I always heard about her from Sameer

" yes my little sister" he said breaking my thoughts

" she said yess" ? I again asked him

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