chapter 18

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              Ayan sayad (pov)

"Aayan wake up....." I heard my mom voice
"Aayan ....wake up you have to live for your mom,dad and your sister" dad said

I want to die.....I don't want to live anymore

Please die aayan.... please

"It's hurt mom.... please come to me....I need you both....I am loser ....." I said with break voice

"You are not loser my aayan " mom said with crying voice

Dad hold my hand

"You have to kill that monster.... who hurt your family aayan " dad said

I nod my head

"We have to go " both said

"No please no"

They started disappear

I run behind them

""i started shouting

"Please stay i can't leave without you "

I opened my eyes

I slept on ground

I touched my face ...there are wet with my tears

I take a deep breath
I can't die this soon

I went to washroom
After ready

I remember that I have to take Ayesha with me for shopping

I hope she agree

I called her

" Assalamualaikum" i heard her

"Why did you call me?" She asked me

"Ummm.... you need to do shopping" i said


"So we can go ?" I asked her

For the first time I am nervous to talk any girl ....she is not any girl....she is mine girl...yesssssss

"Are you there aayan?" She asked me

" What you say?' I asked her

"Hmm..we can't..." She said


" We can't meet until we become husband and wife" she said and cut the call

Husband and wife? It's sound so unrealistic

She cut the call

So today I have nothing to do

It's mean I have to wait for 10 days

I heard my phone ring

I pick up the call

Again? Faiz?

"Assalamualaikum aayan" he said


"You meet irha" he asked me

" No not know " i said

"Ohh meet her ....i heard she is going London " he said


"Okay "

I don't know if I am ready to see her

I have to see her for once

I cut the call

I went towards my garage

I take my car and started driving towards home hospital

After 30 minutes i reached

I went inside

I looked everywhere
Where is she?
Is she is absent?

"Excuse me ?" I heard a voice

I turned around and looked a girl

" Are you aayan sayad?" She asked me nervously


" god" she shouted

"You can't shout miss" I hear voice

"Irha meet him he is great aayan sayad" that girl

I looked at her face

She is here infront of my eyes
I can't hug her

"Sorry sir, " she irha said

"It's okay"

" Can we take one selfie I want to show my brother" that girl said

Irha come towards me and said slowly

"Sir , please take just one selfie..she my patient...if doctor get to know that she is roaming then they will scold me" she said with sad smile

She asked for something

"Why not" i said

That girl come towards and click picture with me

" Thank you so much" she said and a nurse come she went with nurse

"Thank you Mr sayad" irha said

"Welcome" i said with smile

She started going

I want to tell her that I am her brother
I want to hug her

I want her to stop

I can't do anything

She is happy with her new family

I am not selfish

We are not going to meet again irha

Please take care of yourself

I went outside of the hospital

As I sat down on my car
I heard my phone ring again

" What now Sam?" I asked him

"Let's go for shopping" he said

" I don't want" i said

" But you have to buy something for your nikkah" he said

"I don't want anything" i said

" Ayesha is also coming with me" he said

Ayesha? She is coming

"Okay I will... send me the location " i said

"Why now...ohhh Ayesha is coming " he said laughing

"Shut up and bye" i said and cut the call

I am coming my moon

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