I need time

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               Ayesha ali (pov)

I heard my alarm voice..............

I woke up and saw the time it's 9:30

" I am late"

I went inside the washroom................ after fresh... I went inside my kitchen

I Just cereal.......
And wear my niqab.....now it's perfect

I sat down on my car after reciting dua
And started the car
After 30 minutes i reached

As i went inside i heard my head teacher voice " you are late miss"
I turned around

She is late in her 50s... She doesn't look like this ..... She is most strict teacher in our school

" I am sorry mam" i said looking down

" It's your first time.... So i am leaving you but if you again late then you will see me understand?" She said looking at me

" Yes i understand" i said leaving this place

" Wait" she said

I again turned
She is looking at me from head to toe

" So, you are Ayesha ali right?" She asked me

" Yes" I said
" You are the who always wear niqab" she said

" Hmmm"

" You can go"
What's her problem

I went to staff room I heard safia voice
" Ayesha you came .... I thought you are not coming...then what I am going to do without" she said dramatically

Drama queen

"I have class ..... So i have to go we will talk in lunch break " I said takin6the subject book

And went outside

Safia.....she is good....i don't know why I can't tell her my problem..... Why i can't share everything to her...... But she is good person....she is first friend...... friend?? I don't know

" Good morning teacher " i heard the students voice

" Good morning" I said

I started teaching them... Until my eyes went Murat
Why he is setting alone?

I went outside thinking about Murat

" It's lunch break " I heard safia voice

She started telling me about her day i  listened everything

I heard my phone ring
I looked at phone
" Assalamualaikum" i said
" Walaikum assalam" I heard him

" You are free Ayesha?" He asked

" Hmm no I am in school right now is everything okay dad?" I asked him

" Yes i want to meet you come for dinner and stay as tomorrow is Sunday" he said in request tone

" Yes dad .... I will come....I have to go lunch break is over..... Take care yourself and said mom to take her medicine on time hmmm?" I said

" Yess I will wait" he said and cut the call

Dad? Mr Ahmed after my parents accident he adopted me .... He is always a good dad ..... But I don't know why i feel burden to them

  Time skip ~~~~~~~

" You came my daughter" I heard Mrs Ahmed or mom  as i entered the house

She come and hug me tightly
" How are you dear" ? She asked me

" I am fine mom" i said

" Don't call me mom why you don't come last week" she said in fake angry voice

" Mom you know I am busy ... Forgive your daughter" I said

" Forgive her " I heard dad voice

" Dad how are you?'" i asked him

" Fine as usual " he said coming near us

" Where is Sam brother?" I asked him

" Here I am " he said

" So today you remember me " he said

" How can I forget you " I said

" Come have dinner it's almost time " mom said

We went to dinning room

All my favourite food is made today

I smiled looked at them

" So know let's eat" said dad

" After dinner Ayesha come to my office room" dad said

" Is everything is fine?" I asked them

" Y'esss my sister now eat" Sam said

After dinner

I am sitted in dad office

" So you loved someone" dad said

*Cough* cough*

" What?" I asked him

" If you loved someone you can tell us" he said

" No dad.... " I said

" So, one proposal come for you " he said

" Proposal for me?" I asked him

" Yess " he said
I looked at Sam to conform what dad is saying
He looked at me and nooded

I Cleared my voice

" Who is he?" I asked him

" Ayan sayad" said Sam

I looked at him

" Ayan sayad?" I asked him

" Hmmm  I am not forcing you ..... He is good man ..... He keeps you happy" said Sam

He keeps me happy?

" You know Ayesha he come to our house to talk about you..... " He Sam said

" So want you want" asked dad

" I want to talk to aayan then i will decide" I said looking at them

And went outside

To my room .... I opened the door and went inside
And looked the door

I took a long breathes

He came to house and talk to dad ....
What did he want ?

I take my phone and dialed his number

" Assalamualaikum" I said as he pick my call

"So what a great day you call me" he said

" You came to my house?"

"Yes...to talk to your dad"

" Why?? What you want?" I asked him

" You i want my moon" he said

Again moon ? Why did he call me moon?"

"So tell me what you decided " he said breaking my thoughts

I again take a long breathes

" I need time aayan" I said

" You can take your time as much as you want ..... I will wait for you my moon" he said
I cut the call

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