He is rude

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Ayan sayad POV

I can't sleep at all i Heard my alarm voice i woke up and went towards the mirror i looked at me i looked messed my hair is looking messed you are looking like him you are looking like monster" no i am not "

I started shouting and I hit the mirror again i started shouting after sometime I relaxed myself and looked the broken mirror and my blood everywhere and I don't feel any pain and went towards the cupboard for bandaged after doing my work

I went in washroom for fresh up then went towards in kitchen i heard a voice as I went towards my kitchen i heard "good morning sir" my worker say Yana she work here for only 4 years she need work for her son so I give her she only make breakfast and some time lunch and after that she went her home

"sir your breakfast is ready I have already keep on dinning table"I heard get I just nod and as I started eating my breakfast my phone ring Sam? Why he is calling me ❔

"hello" I said hey bro are you busy right now ? He asked no I just started eating my breakfast tell me why you called me "I asked him Ayesha want to meet you and I gave her your number " he said

she want to meet me "okay no problems " I said "hnn Ayan can you please talk to her sweetly and
Politly " he said I think sometimes"okay I will talk to her very sweetly"I said with smirk "okay I am busy bye " and I cut

the call and started to eat my breakfast as I completed my breakfast I again heard my phone ring unknown number i pickup the call "hello" I said no one reply i again asked "hello who's there" "Assalam " I heard her Assalam ❔ Ayesha Ali ❔"Ayesha Ali ❔ i asked her "yes" she said in low voice meet me in Daly's cafe at 2 'o' clock and don't be late understand hn " I asked her "yes" she

said in low voice and i cut the call and took my car key went towards my car and sat down and started driving after 40
              Ayesha Ali pov
He ordered me why he can't talk sweetly he is taking me like I am his servant even we can't to our servant in this tone I just want his number and photo that's it I look my watch it's 9 clock I take my car key and bag and went in parking area I open my gate and sit down and started driving towards orphanage after 35 minute I reached and went towards staff room ~~~~~ "you are not going for lunch today" asked my partner as I saw time it's 2 clock oh yeh Allah I am late"I am sorry I have to go somewhere" I said it's okay" she said I take my bag went towards my car he will eat me alive yeh Allah saved me from that monster I started driving my car after reading my dua~~~~
               Pov- Ayan sayad
As I entered my office everyone stand up and said"good morning sir" I just hummed and went to cabin and sat down on my chair as I closed my eyes again I saw hazel eyes suddenly some one to sell your knock on my door I opened my eyes"come in " I said jakir my assistant come inside started telling me about today meeting he started going outside before he go he again come to me"what happened"I asked him "sorry sir I forget to tell you about mr khan meeting he wants to meet you"he said"ohh it's good that he want to meet me you can go now"I said he started going I stopped him"jakir" I said he turned to me yes sir? " He asked about what time? I asked"2 clock"he said 2 clock i have to meet her "cancel that meeting"I said to him he looked at me suprised "what you said?"he asked me"what you heard?" I asked him to cancel your meeting with mr khan"he said"you heard than why you ask me?" I asked him "okay sir I tell him to come another day " he said  and went outside I never cancel my meeting because of that girl i have to cancel this I started doing my work after I while I saw time it's 1 :10 and started packing my things Ka again knock""come in"I said jakir enter with worried face"sir there is problem" he said "problem? What happened"? I asked him"sir a girl named mania come to meet you we try to stop her but she is not listening" he said"you go tell her to come inside"I said he went outside after a while I heard some one is coming i turned around see a girl " you can't come like that  miss
I said go outside first then knock" I completed my words then I saw her like I am joking" I am not joking miss " I again said"you want me to knock then again come" she said with confused" yess so go ahead" I said while setting on my place again and said"you want to talk so go do your work"she looked at me and went towards the door and knock I ignored her she again knock for 2 -3 times"come in" I said with smirk she come"sit down and tell me what you want to talk" I said she say Infront me " you have just 5 minutes so go ahead" I again said "what? Only 5 minutes? " She asked me"you don't have time tik Tom Tim Tim "okay" I heard her" I like you" she said I looked at her what she is is telling"since the day I saw you in my dad birthday party" she completed her sentence I started to thinking birthday party? Is she mania Durrani? "So you are Mr Durrani daughter? I asked her

"yes so can we go on date then we got to know each other " before she completed her word I cut her by saying"not interested in you  so go " I said "you can give me one chance"she started requesting me " I highly respect your father so go you will not like that I have to call guard hmm"I said she take her bag and went outside after I also went towards parking area I opened my car and sat down and called Sam after like 3 ring he pick up my call and said in sleepy tone"hello?" He said hello wake up Sam " I said he is sleeping in t this time"aayan "? He asked"yes I am aayan sayad "I said "why you call me you know na I sleep at that time" he said "for your kind information I am going meet your lil sis aka Ayesha Ali"I said "ohk please talk to her sweetly and nicely"he said"yes I know can you send me her photo" I said after a while he reply "she don't click pic and also you have her phone number" he said how can I forgot"yaa go and sleep" I said before he cut the call I cut it I don't like when someone else first cut the call ~~~~~~~

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