meeting her

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                    Ayan sayad pov
After 30 minutes I reach the cafe and went towards the upstairs as I entered in my private room "hello sir please in this way" a man said I just hummed I went to sit on my place I saw the Time it's 2:30 she is late stupid girl then I heard " Assalam walakum " I heard a voice I looked at her hazel eyes"her"  is she the one that I meet her eyes look like my peace only mine peace  she is wearing a white abaya only her eyes is showing she is looking like an angel  I again heard her"Assalam walakum" I clear my throat  " hello" I said she sit Infront of me"sorry I come late because of traffic" she said her voice she also likes a peace"" it's okay no problems" I said softly I don't even know why I am speaking like this "let's talk about contract " she said" first let's order something what you want?" I said" hmm nothing I am already have my lunch " she said" coffee or tea then ?" I said"sorry sir but I just come here to talk not to eat or drinksomething with you" she said hmm attitude I like it"okay no problem so tell me about oue contact" I said she cleared her voice and said " I don't want this " she said" what you don't want? " I asked her in confused " contract .... Because you know I can't live with non mehram also I am not interested in this marriage so bye" she said in one go and take her bag " I also don't want this " I said she looked at me with questions look " what you don't want ? " She asked me I stand up and went toward her "contract" I said simple looking at her and continue I want something else " I said looking at her hazel eyes  she again asked me "so what did you want?"  Ii looked at hazel eyes again "I WANT YOU " I said she looked at me suprised 

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