MY moon

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                       Aayan sayad (pov)

" Aayan" I heard her voice
I push her lightly and went inside and closed the door " what are you doing here Mr sayad " "go away " I already said that I am not interested in you " just go away " she started asking and shouting
" Can you just shut up?" I asked her in deep voice again her body reacts she shut her mouth immediately
I took a long breathes she again opened her mouth to say something " can you keep silent for a minute" I asked her  in annoying tone
" I will come to you know HIM? Right??? "I asked her
" Who?? " She asked
" Don't play innocent role here just tell me you knows him or not "  I asked her in Little angered voice
" Mr sayad I don't know what you are talking or asking " she said rolling her eyes
She looked sexy ....just shutup she looked cute...arggggggg
" Go away " I heard her voice
" Then why the hell did you asked this question" I asked her
" Which question? Ohh that I just asked this question because it's first question that come in my mind to prove that you are not believers " she said " if you are done in question and answer game you can go " she said annoying tone
" WHY I don't want to go " I said with smirk
" You know you are mad a big one " she said while smirking

Mad? She don't know how to smirk

"mad? " I asked her
" Yes now get out I don't want to become famous in my apartment so go " she said
Famous? Ohh gossips I also don't want

" Okay for now I am going I will come soon " I said while looking hazel eyes

She is going to be mine only mine

" Bye bye moon " I said and opened the door and went outside with smile on my face
This is going to be fun
I opened the door of car and sat down and dial one number
" I want every information about AYESHA ALI "
Cut the call
Started driving my car in High speed thinking about HER........

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