chapter 32

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I am seating with Faiz in his house ..who is in kitchen doing what that i don't know

"Faiz?"i shouted his name

"Coming"he replied

I closed my eyes thinking what Ayesha is doing at that time?

"Here "i heard Faiz voice as he sat beside me with tea

I take the tea "so?"i asked him

"Umm... I don't how to tell you "he said

I am.looking at him who is nervous "tell me Faiz...what happened in Delhi?"i asked him

"Aayan don't be shocked"he said and take out something from his bag which was laying on ground

"See this"he said giving me an envelope

I take that envelope and looked at pictures what is this?

"I don't know who is she see as we know that Junaid wife is not like this she is different women i have found a secret room in his house as i opened that i found whole room have this women picture with him "he said sipping the tea

I am looking at pictures I can't believe

"Aayan?are you okay?"he asked me

"I am not Faiz ...I am not"i said tightening the picture

"What happened?"he asked me

" wom...en"i said trying to breathe... trying to believe

"You know her?"he asked me

"I know her "i said "how can I forget her"i heart is paining so much

"Who is she?"

"My....ammi.."i said slowly looking at her picture where is she smiling


"She is the woman who gave me birth...she is women whom I call ammi ...she is the woman who loves me most...why her picture is in his house... what she is doing with him?"

"Relax aayan"

"Relax?how can I?"I asked him

"I have to go"i said


I heard his shouted

I seat on car and started driving fast not knowing where I have to go why ammi...why ammi

I am trying to control my tears...she can't do this ...she love my father..she love her son but what she is doing with him?

I don't forget how long I am driving my car

I looked at infront a car is coming in high speed

It's going to be accident

"Then live for us"i heard Ayesha voice in my ears

"Live for us"

"Live for us"

I turn my car and stop that car when away

I take a deep breath and again started driving towards my home

I parked the car and saw lights are switched on

I opened the door with keys and saw her who is sleeping on sofa and went towards her i caressed her hair which is wrap in hijab

As i touched her her body stiff she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me


She seat down on sofa and i sat beside her

"You come"

"I have to my wife is waiting for me"i said smiling

She smiled and put her head on my shoulder

"Why you don't go to your house you are all alone"i said

"I don't want to go and this is also my home "she said slowly

I nod "you have dinner?"i asked her

"Nahh i waiting for you "

"I said na you don't have to wait for me "

"But I want"

"Ummm.. let's have dinner together"i said to her

She looked at me "okay let's have"

I nod and held her hands towards kitchen i seat on my chair she sat beside me

We started eating but my mind is somewhere about my ammi

"Umm I am going to sleep" I said eating little bit

She nod and didn't said anything

I went to my room and seat on bed why she meet Junaid?

Did she is cheating on back??

What I am thinking???

She can't do

She loves my papa


The pictures

"Aayan?" I heard Ayesha voice and i looked at her who is standing infront of me with worried

"What happen?" I asked her

"What happen?what happened to you?" She asked me and seat beside me

"Nothing.... it's just headache" I said and keep my head on her lap

"Ohh" she said and started removing her fingers on my hair

This is called peace

My peace

"Aayan?" She asked


Are you okay?" She again asked me

"Yeah I am totally fine don't worry" i said and closed my eyes

She didn't said anything..... and again started saying something slowly and blow air on my face

I smiled

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