chapter 33

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I heard alarm voice which is irritating so much i slowly opened my eyes and looked around to find alone

Where is Ayesha???

I stand up and moved downstairs to find Ayesha i am looking around then my eyes fell on Ayesha who is standing near a door which i locked

"Ayesha?" I called her
She turned to me scared "yo .u?',she said hesitate

"Yes it's me "i said

"What are you doing here?"i asked her looking at her eye's she looked down and bite her lips and said"woh..i forgets kitchen "she said

"It's lame excuses ",i said

"You want to know why i locked the door "I asked her

She looked at me surprised

"Wait "i said and went to my office room for keys

I take the keys and moved to Ayesha she standing at the same place

"Here!!',i said giving her the keys
She looked hesitate ",take it!!"i said

She take the keys and turned to opened the door

She opened the door and went inside i also join her

And switch on the lights

"Wow!!"she said looking around

"This is my parents who adopted me"i said after thinking

She looked at "adopted?",she asked me

"Yeah",i said we moved deep inside room

It is royal type room

"See this photo"i said to her showing the big  photo frame of my parents

"They adopted me when I am 11 years"i said and turned my face to her who is looking at frame

"They lost their son in tragic accident my mom always feel lonely she started leaving alone my dad got tensed then they adopted me his son also have  same name as me "I said

"Oh I don't know that"she said looking down

I smiled "it's okay"

"How they treat you?"she asked me after a big pause

"Hm all I can say good they treat me like their son "i said "but you know i am unlucky they got in accident after that I lived alone but now it is different today I am lucky to have you"i said with smile

She looked at me and smiled "you are not alone"she said and held my hand with her

"Thank you for choosing me moon"i said to her and kissed her forehead

"Let's go"she said I nod we went outside of room she closed the door and gave me Keys "you can keep it "i said started moving to kitchen until i heard her voice

"Can I open the next door?"she asked meekly

I turned to looked at her questioning "what?"

"Next door?"she again asked me

"Yeah "i said giving her permission to open the next door

She smiled and opened the door

She entered and started coughing "it's stored room ',i said entering behind her

"This room contains useless things "i said looking around to find switch board

"Useless things?"she asked

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