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                       Ayesha Ali
I started my car towards the kidzee school  where children are orphan i feel bad for them

where I work as a teacher after 30 minutes I parked my car as i  reached my school as I started entering I hear my phone ring ring ring ring ring 

I take out my phone saw Sam called me at this time he always busy in his office work" Assalam is everything ok? I asked him

"yes everything thing is okay I just want to meet to you so can we meet?" He asked I thought for something

" ok can we meet after lunch I have some work hmm?I asked him

" ya ya it's ok I will snd you address "he said and continued" ok bye" he said" yaa" I said entering in staff work

" hello Ayesha" said safia my friend she also work here with  me we are total 5 safia,Rohan ,alia, jasmine and Ryan they are good and our head Mrs raniya raheem she is cool until it's not related to work "what are you thinking Ayesha?

She asked "uhh nothing" I said

"you were saying something?" I asked her   as I sat on my place" yes I am saying that there is a new boy in your class"she said as she sit "ohh by the way what is his name? I asked her

"Murat we don't know his surname" she said ok I am going to my class bye"I said as I enter my class everyone keep quiet

~~~~~~ after my work and lunch I went to dailla cafe

as I enter I saw Sam "hello" he said"Assalam" I said as sit in his front he look like he want to say something "you want to talk about something? I asked

" yes first let's order something what you want"!!? he asked

" nothing Sam I have already has my lunch" I said

ohh" ok let's talk"  he said I nodded my head  I want you to marry my best friend he said

" ok whaaaa!? I looked at him

"what you just said!!?" I asked him

what you heard? He asked that

you want me merry to your Best friend I said

"  yess " he said and continued you know he forget his path he  forget how life is beautiful his  forget his Islam  he said 

I am not understanding anything

   "so what can I do!!? Merry him? " I asked him in angry voice

"only you can help him only you can change him only you" he shouted "

how can I?"  I said in same tone and don't shout at me

I completed my sentences "ok you just have to do for 1 year if you can't then you can divorced him" he said I trying to understand what about him? He is ready for divorce? I asked him

"he doesn't want this marriage" I looked at him he continued " I requested him

"he agreed because he just want his position if he married then he will get his position he will marry anyone but I don't want him to marry some his type girl you know what I trying to say " he said

"yes I am understanding everything know but I want some time okay with you? "I  asked him

"yess you can take your time for I day because tomorrow his lawyer are coming" he said

" I want to go home" I said to him

" yess let me drop you and also you know that I am your big brother not for blood you trust me I want good for you aayan he just lost his right path" he said

in low voice "I trust you " I said let's goooo he said 

Sam he is not my real brother but is my father freind son he also with me after my parents died in accident ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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