chapter 21

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          Aayan sayad ( pov)

She cut the call

It's fun to tease her...

She is cute....

I lay on my bed thinking about her...

I can't believe I am going to marry her

I closed my eyes

"Aayan I will find you again" i heard his voice

I opened my eyes suddenly

And saw his face is front of me

My body is not moving....

I try to speak ..... I can't

What's happening here?

"Aayan " he said

"This time I will kill you....and again you can't do anything.... I will kill your friends
....and your soon to be wife ayesha" he said evily

It can't be happen .....

I try to say something to him

I can't


I can't

Help me

I closed my eyes

Knock ....knock

I opened my eyes and looked around there is no one ...

I am alone

It's just a dream....he can't be there


He said he will kill my friends

And Ayesha

He can't

Win ...this time

I am not that 8 years kid

Who will cry infront of him

But what if he win


I have to save them

From that monster

Knock ...knock

I get up from bed and opened the door

"Hello aayan" Sam said happily

"What are you doing here? " I asked him

He pushed me nad went inside in my room at sat down

"To give you your clothes for your wedding" he said

"Ohh..kept on my bed and get lost" i said as went towards him

"What type of friend you are " he said dramatically

"Selfish" i said

"Don't be so real man " he said

I ignored him

And started seeing the clothes

"You meet Faiz.... And you don't bother to tell your friend...why?  " he said

"Because I don't want " i said

" Faiz is coming for weeding " he asked me


"Why did you buy white and golden kurta ?" I said

I don't like this colour

" If you don't want you can return this" he said." And also.... Ayesha is buying the same colour know matching -matching " he completed his words

I looked at him

" good infact this colour is beautiful " i said nervously

"Ohoo" he said

"I said you don't like this colour so why now " he said smirking

"Because I won't and now get lost " I said

"Yeah yeah I am going " he said and come to hug me

I glare him

He turned towards the door and went outside

We are going to twining

I smiled


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