she said " YES"

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                 Ayan sayad (pov)

She cut the call.....

She is the person who cut the call before me

So, it's mean Mr Ahmed have talked about me......

I just hope that she say " yes" if not
Then I am going to use my second option to make her mine.....

" Sir ,may I coming" I heard my secretary

" Yes come" I said

" Sir ,can I go home....?" He asked me

" Why it's important?" I asked him

He looked nervous " umm..sir my wife is waiting for me" he said

I looked at time it's 10 clock it's already late

" Yes can go" I said

" Thank you sir.....but what about you sir?" He asked
I looked at him
" Your dinner? And also you haven't have your lunch" he said

" You can go...I am fine" I said

He didn't said anything and turned to live

Now I am all alone in this entire office

After completing my work

Its 11:30

I started driving my car ......
After 30 minutes i reached my house

I opened the gate....
And went towards my kitchen to see if there is food
My good luck

Sir , please eat

I saw the note that maid have kept

I eat the food silently

I opened the door of my room

And went towards my washroom for fresh up

After completing all my work

I lay on my bed

And started thinking about her

She called me....
She is cute

My moon

I smiled thinking about her

And closed my eyes

"Mr and Mrs shameer has found dead in their house  ...... and I also there neighbour said that there son have lost for 2 years" said the reporter

I looked at the tv
Mummy?dad? Dead?
But where is my siblings

No it can't be true

No they can't dead

"No please no" i said

"See your parents are dead .....what you are go na do Aayan?" He said with spark eyes

I looked at him

" You are orphan now Ayan shameer".....he said


"Now there is no home for you aayan
There is no one for you" he said

" My parents are not dead" i shouted

"Kitten...tch tch tch "

" Leave me .... I want to see them please leave me" i started begging him

" Tch tch know the great shameer son is begging for me...... What a scene" he said and started laughing

"Where is my sibling" I asked him

" Hmmm about your sister " he said

I have sister

"She must be 2 years old right? " He asked

She is 2 years old....i haven't seen her

" Do you want to know her name?" He asked me looking at me

" Yes"

"Irha" he said

Irha? God gifted?

"Where is she" i asked him

" She have sended to orphanage " he said in calmly


" Leave me...i have to take care of her  leave me" i shouted

He slapped harder

I fell on the ground and eyes were slowly closing

Irha? please be fine

" You are just 10 year old kiteen.... You have guts to shout at me" i heard him

"Now you will see what I am going to do with irha" i heard him but it's to late my eyes closed


" Irha" i shouted

I sat down on my bed and saw it's 7 clock morning

I stand up and went toward the mirror

I looked at myself

I am messed

I am looking like him

I closed my eyes and take a long breathes

I heard my phone ring


I pick her call

" Assalamualaikum" she said

"Hmm" I don't know what to reply

" Hmm...I am ready" she said

She said yes? For marriage?

"For what?" I asked her with smirk

" Hmm ?"

"Say Ayesha for what" i asked her again

" For marriage" she said fast and cut the call

I looked at my phone

She said yes

I am happy

But why can't see talk for long with me?

she saved my LifeWhere stories live. Discover now