chapter 20

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                     Ayesha ali (pov)

I am waiting Sam and mom near the mall for my wedding shopping

" Assalamualaikum" i heard mom voice

I turned to her

"Walaikum assalam"i said smiling

" You are wearing niqab in this hot day " she said

" It's fine' i said

" Where is Sam?" I asked her

" He is parking the car"

" Why not we go inside then he will come " mom said

" Hmm" i said

We went inside

"Can you tell me where we will brides dress?" Mom asked a worker

" 7th floor " she said

We went towards the left

Her phone ring she pick the call

" Yes? Ohkk no problem we are going to 7th floor " she said and cut the call

" He is going to buy men's dress " mom said

The left opened

We entered in brides dress room

I looked around every dress is beautiful

" Let's check the dress" she said

I started looking the dress then my eye caught the golden lagenga

It's beautiful very beautiful

" You want this?" I heard mom voice

I nod

" Ohk let's buy this " she said smiling

After giving my size

We went to other section for dress

I heard my phone ring

It's Sam

I pick the call

" Which colour of dress you are buying?" He asked

" Golden" i replied

" Wh-" before i asked he cut the call

" Ayesha you like this one" i heard mom voice

She showing purple colour suit

" It's beautiful" i said

" Ohk" she said

I am tried

After I don't know for how many hours we are done with shopping

We are setting in restaurant

" After long times I am doing shopping" mom said happily

" Yeah yeah ...very long time" Sam replied in mocking tone

I smiled

Mom ignored him

" What you want to eat Ayesha" she said

I don't eat in restuarant or any outside place it's make me uncomfortable because I wear veil I know it's not a big problem....but  it's make me

" I am not hungry" i said

"Why?" She said

Sam looked at me and understand

"Let's go home .... I will make best food" he said taking the shopping bag

I smiled

Best brother

" Ohk...let's go" i said

We sat in car

After 30 minutes we reached

Time skip

We have done our dinner

I am leaving here till then my wedding

Wedding? It's give me goosebumps

I am going to marry with someone
And that someone is AYAN SHAYAD

I hope everything will be fine

There is no reason to reject him

He is good

But he is not believer

He is far from Islam

" Ya allah give him hidayat...make him hood person...make him your believer.....give him right path towards you
Make our future good
Ya allah... "
I silently pray for him

I heard my phone ring

Aayan? Why he call me at this time

" Assalamualaikum " i said

" Hmm" he said
That's it why he can't replied properly

' it's rude" i said

' rude? " He asked

' when someone say assalamualaikum then you have to reply walaikum assalam not hmm" i said

" Ohh" he said


" Say"

" What?" He asked

He is not fine

"Leave it....why did you call me?" I asked him as I sat on my bed

" Walaikum assalam" he said

What did he said?


" What huh?" He asked

" Nothing ' i replied with huge smile

' so why you call me" i asked him

" Hmm.. why I call you? " He said

" To listen your soft voice ....which give me peace" he said

He is not aayan
Which I know

The rude one...bosy

" I missed you" he again said

"Aayan" i said

" Hmm" he said

"Nothing" i said

I can't tell him ...that he is not fine at all

" I called you to remind you after 9 days you are going to AYESHA AAYAN SAYAD" he said

I looked at the time it's 12 clock midnight

" Good night sweet dreams about your soon to be husband" he said

I am swear he is smirking right now

" G...ood night" i said and cut the call

What happened to him?

What he was talking

He called me to remind the counting days of our wedding

He is not that aayan that everyone tells

He is different

And this aayan

I like this aayan ..........

I smiled thinking about him and closed my after reading the dua



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