thinking about proposal

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Ayesha Ali
I opened my gate with the key I went inside my room started doing waju after waju I placed my zarnimaz I read my namaz yeh Allah please forgive my every mistake please give me right path please help me with this problem yeh Allah  after I make my dua I started making my dinner as ussual I eat alone I need someone who sat with me after I went to my room I lay on my bed thinking about him and the proposal ~~~~~~~~

Ayan sayad (pov)

after doing my office work i can't work her hazel eyes i can't think anything else other than her eyes I want see them again

i  went to my house as ussual there is no one I take bath went downstairs for making for making dinner and then as ussual there is no one I am alone after eating my dinner I went to my room

i heard my phone ring I check who is ohhh Sam hello I said said" hey I talk to Ayesha" he said Ayesha ohh that religious girl "so what she said" I asked

him "she say she want time " he said" time " "she want time I don't have time" I said " I mean she will tell me

tomorrow"he said" okay " I said "you don't want to say anything!?" He asked "no I am not interested in her anything I just want my position that's it " I said casually and added" bye I am going to sleep" "okay good night "he said and cut the call good night this can't be I can't be sleep peacefully in 20 years I can't just need peace only peace

I went to my bed and lay I closed my eyes and started thinking about what's going on my mind

the monster that in my mind as I walked down on stairs in the corner of my eye I saw that he is looking at me I walked faster hoping to hide from that monster I hoping to die every step I heard him I smell like him he saw me and he is

coming with knife and I saw a door i opened the door and i run i am running i don't know where i have to run  then saw a girl in white dress  who have hazel eyes her hazel eyes shinning like a moon  i

can't see her face i  want to see her face i want to see her face before I call her she run and is l started running behind her before I catch her she run in forest i can't see her i started shouting" moon"  my eye open and saw no one is here i am alone


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