chapter 34

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My eyes widened what was he is doing with Junaid?

I looked at pictures where Mr Ahmed is seating with Junaid

I mean on my chair mr Ahmed? Know him?

But how?? What I am missing? In this whole chapter

How can Mr Ahmed know him?
If he knows him then he knows about me??

No he didn't know if he knows then surely he will not agree for this marriage???

I closed my eyes thinking

Is Mr Ahmed is going to betray me ?

But about Ayesha??

I opened my eyes call the Faiz

"Faiz find what's realation between Junaid and Mr Ahmed?"i ordered him

"Yes I am going to do that ",he said confidential

"Till then i am going Delhi from where everything started"i said to him

"Why?"he asked me

", something we are missing in Junaid life "i said to him

",ohh so you are taking Ayesha with you?"he asked me

"No it's dengerous I can't risk her life "i said to him looking infront

"Okay good luck for your journey"he said

"Hmm bye"i said and cut the call

I closed the laptop and went downstairs and saw Ayesha is keeping dishes on table

I coughed trying to her attention towards me when I come near her
She  looked at me "are you okay?"

"Yeah "i said

"So what have you make today"i asked her seating on chair

"Pav bhaji"she said


She sat beside me we started eating food in silence

"Hmm i am going Delhi for some work "i said breaking the silence

She looked at me "when?",she asked me slowly looking at her plate

"Tonight i said

"Ohh "

"Ayesha? It's urgent "i said to her

"I understand aayan "she said

"In evening i will take you to Mr Ahmed house " i said to her

"I don't want to go " she said slowly

"Huh but I can't leave you alone here" i said

"I am not alone " she said"there is servent and most Yana she is also here so don't worry "she said making me understand

I nodded i trust Yana !!!

", whenever you go outside take bodyguard with you understand?"

"Yes,,, umm when you will come?" She asked me

"After 1 week " i said

"Ohh" she said in sad voice

"And if you missed meyou can call me anytime "i said teasing her so that her mood will be happy

"If i don't call then " she said meekly

"Then ...I will call you everytime "i said to her

"Really?" She asked me

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