chapter 31

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"Are you okay?" Ayesha asked as she sat beside me

"Yeah I am okay" i said to her smiling

She keep her head on my shoulder i closed my eyes

We are going home ...our home

Now we are setting in my car ...

"Sir we reached" said my driver

I nod and looked at Ayesha who have closed her eyes



"We have reached"

"Ohh" she said and opened the door and come to my side to opened

"Come" she said and held me

We are starting going inside i saw yana is standing

"Are you okay?" She asked me

I nod

" Come and take rest" she said and turned to Ayesha " you also till then i make breakfast" she said

" Ohk"

We entered in our room she help me to lay on bed

" I am coming" she said

I nod

She went inside the room i closed my eyes

"Aayan wake up " i heard

I opened my eyes to see Ayesha who is very closed to me she is wrapping in brown hijab without any make up her hazel eyes which is looking at me
I pull her more closer to me

"" she said


I said and wrap my hand towards her waist she lay beside me she is so close to me....her heartbeat is so fast like my ....
I keep my  head beside her neck

"Aa..yan" she again said she smell damm good

" You smell so good " i said and kiss her earlobe

She shutter under my touch

"Aa..yan .... Yana is waiting...." She said
Looking down

I held her chin and made her look towards me

" You are looking beautiful" i said smiling

She keep her hand on my chest and looked at my eyes

" Why your heartbeat is so fast?" She asked

" are very closed to me" i said and kissed her forehead

She smiled " hmm let's have breakfast" she again said

I ignored her and again closed my eyes

"Leave me aayan " she said
I tighten my hold around her waist

And looked at her" i will never leave you " i said in husky voice

I don't like when she said to leave

"I am hungry" she said

" Ohk let's go" i said removing my hand
As i removed she stand up and went outside

I  smiled stupid girl

I heard ring from my phone

I pick and saw there is massage from unknown number

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